
(2.5 MB, 5100x6600, AC Comm-Manji.jpg) (3.8 MB, 4025x2975, Sketchstream-Sashichan.jpg) (2.8 MB, 2180x2977, be622f2000a9e1e28c0608d1e0f1f8fd.png) (786 KB, 3066x2759, 1e545e615104fdb981f0d60271ec5f85.png) (158 KB, 1600x984, elmelie_au_naturale_by_kawaiidebu_d9sn3xk-fullview.jpg) (90 KB, 1200x1200, c7ef66c8f1444ee8596e90316cf9052e.jpg)
I feel like it's always been the same two commissioners with for fat artists about their sharks in the last 5 years: nothing wrong with that but variety is a little low

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