
For fun, Please find Cedric Browning's Husbandoughs art packs

The world needs more fat Buddy Thunderstruck!
Solitary Scribble's Amy Rose art? I remember one sketch he did where she was standing on a scale
I know Zaphod from Furaffinity also has some deleted Sonic art, anyone have any of it?
(218 KB, 1280x862, 1517166706.zaphod-_tangle.jpg)
I get why, and I understand why people would want to discourage sexualizing minors (not that you can ever truly prevent anything on the internet), but I'll admit it did have me a little miffed that so many fat/expansion artists suddenly went "abort mission" just because Jeet said something about it. It clearly wasn't a problem before.
>>1858 Yeah Jeet opening up about that was a watershed moment for many artists, it's understandable that they want to take the Sonic art down, but most didn't even warn they were going to delete some art
I also think it started when ridiculous cake made a tweet about statues being tear down and someone tried to cancel them by posting a tumblr post that cake made a few years ago
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Very nice and if I remember, pic related is the reason why smappa deleted their amy art. If so then this is why you shouldn't be a twitter moralfag, it just gonna bite you in the ass sooner or later.

I know a couple of those were by Fathips. Any chance you have the Floatzel pic they did about 5 years ago?
This has a some Fathips art under artists. I think what you're looking for is in there.
What does?
oigan quien hico a la loba y al mapache de color amarillo
perdón hizo
So did I, but sadly it's not. The one I'm talking about was a solo pic of a Floatzel who was more hourglass shaped.
Does anyone have any of Aurelinas commissioned work? Someone uploaded it to /trash/ way long ago but I can’t find it. She’s also moved away from kink stuff so she’s gotten rid of most of her fat/inflation stuff.
Yea I was looking for a comic/sequence
in black and white and I think it was about
a raccoon entering a cave and they find an
artifact and try to leave but get too big and are stuck. I don't remember if there's popping but
I doubt it, and I'm pretty sure the character in question is an OC and not Sly Cooper or something.
Knowing who the artist is helps.
Does anyone have anything from ThyGuardian? They used to be on inflate chan years ago and I think they had a furaffinty
Yeah, don't you just love that. >:( Please do post more of his old content by the way. :)
Anyone have Krown's deleted Spyro art?
I know there was one blob pic of Cynder called "trapped" or something. It had a small story in the description too.
tbh, I just miss all of Krown's spyro/cynder art.
hmm. The pic looks like it's from Zaphod...
It is, should have mention it sorry
pewbutt had this old comic on his twitter that had a cow gaining weight does anyone have that?
so anyone know who did this art?
really dig this look
(467 KB, 571x631, fox.png)
yo anyone have any other drawings from the artists "Neiman Marcus" they had a gallery on theroundhouse back in the early 200o's and id kill to get some of that art back
Here you go, I knew I had a heap somewhere. They're mixed in with another artist's work so you'll have to flick through, there's 1000+ images.

And as for the killing, my year five teacher back in 1986 - because I'm petty.

Really appreciate it! I can sleep peacefully now tha... wait, was it year five or six...? Ah well
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Can someone PLEASE find the uncensored Version of Da Fuze’s Muffet No Mercy... it was on his Tumblr before his account was deleted. So can someone please find and upload the uncensored version of this
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Here's a pic by ScottC that can't be found in any of his galleries, or anywhere else on the internet either as far as I know.
Okay, this might be a stretch bc in retrospect these were total garbage, but does anyone have those dupes/models for GMOD of the inflated sonic and MLP characters? THe guy who made the og packs took them down but I still see people using them. is there a DL or someone with a rar of them?
So I just discovered this exists (and thank heck I did)... There's a piece of coco bandicoot art from Zaphod anyone have it?
Thanks a million dude!!!
Hey, really appreciate it man! Where'd you even find this?
Well I had downloaded the packs when they first made public
I wish I could find all of Rubydragon03 art, especially there really old stuff. Oh, and don't you just love it when an arts makes it hard to find and see all of there art?
>>3902 Greatly appreciated.
Does anyone have the stuff Smappa deleted from their twitter?
Trying to find an archive of Hoodah's old art. I remember there being a folder with his stuff mixed in with another artist's, but I don't know if that was posted here or elsewhere. Would greatly appreciate any collections of his stuff, though.
Does anyone have Drip-Dry/Herro/Jackalcakes' animations? The youtube channel that had them got nuked as well as the pornhub re-uploads. All I can find are short, low quality gifs.
Does anyone have any of Agouti-Rex’s Patreon stuff before they emptied it and had their Murry Purry Fresh and Furry site die?
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Anyone have the pic Glaz is talking about here?
Third time I've seen someone on Twitter remove Sonic art for being called out on it. I can at least get why someone might get assmad over loli content, but you'd think if there was anything to be chill with, it's cartoonish, noodle-limbed animal people who don't really have correlation with human ages and appearances.
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Someone posted this in a thread on trash. Unsure what the source is. The file name might be a clue or not.
anyone have grim-kun's pic of carmelita fox in higher res? i cant seem to find it anywhere, theres a low res image on the sly cooper thread
Does anybody have that pick of like a birdo peach and sledge-bro daisy?
noice! thanks for those, speaking of herro would anyone happen to have one of theirs where their oc is eating a bucket of infinite hot wings? it was a sequence of a few images that were titled "round 2: fight" in all caps lol many thanks
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Yes, that's the stuff exactly. Thank you. I'll need to thumb through and filter out which is Hoodah's and which is Kitsune's.

I'm trying to create a complete archive of Hoodah's work on e-hentai, though I've been hitting a lot of dead ends. Internet Archive's fucked and the image sources on the Sirkain gallery that were saved that I could find were Hoodah's are shrunk for some reason; no clue how to get the full image. This is at least a step in the right direction, thank you. If you or anyone else happen upon any other archives of his stuff, I'd greatly appreciate the link to them
since this is a "finding dead pictures" thread, I'll remind everyone that furarchiver.net exsists and sorta works for this purpose - I already archived zaphod's furaffinity gallery on there and posted most of the sonic stuff over on the fat sonic thread that's on here to make sure people actually get them

Just remember if you intend to archive more than one person's furaffinity, you will have to refresh the furarchiver page to do so - if you don't, there's a chance it might overwrite or erase the previous zip file. It goes without saying you shouldn't do this - make sure the zip files for the artist gallery you want is created AND downloaded onto your computer BEFORE refreshing to do so again
This also includes everything in the first link.
Last thing, something I noticed about furarchiver. Sometimes it will get an image corrupted or partially done that loads fine if you go to it manually, at least try that once or twice if you're disappointed something loaded halfway. Some things really are saved as corrupted though.
Cheers, man.
Thumbed through the images, and you are a glorious fucker. That looks to be close to everything if not everything that might've been from that site. The wayback machine lists Hoodah's gallery having 848 items as far back as 2006, with the first folder being 1523. I won't question where the others came from or how many dupes, because two of the same pic is certainly better than none at all.

God damn, thank you again. I'll match it up with what I currently have of Hoodah on the ehentai gallery for dupes, though it's a bitch when looking for them among non-colored pics, especially sketches, then see if I can upload it.
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Glad to hear it's appreciated, needed a reason to clean house on duplicates all over the place.

Don't know if you use anything automatic for duplicate detection, I'm using Fast Duplicate File Finder for exact matches and dupeGuru for similar ones to pick by better quality here on Windows. But sometimes non-exact ones grab alts to the same pic, so review anything before deleting. And sometimes shitty compression (or lack thereof) can make the worse version bigger in filesize.

Had to put it up for someone else anyut now. Pic unrelated besides being duoradon, buway so have a duoradon comic I can't find elsewhere, e-hentai is spotty, and yes even sadpanda. Might do a zip of duoradon some other time, bit burnt ot I forget if it was around there too.

No edit-post feature, could've sworn BBWchan used to have one. Oh well.
I'm putting it up on e-hentai because it'll be on that site for good one way or another. Only way it'll be truly purged is if the whole site goes down alongside sad panda. And yeah, I've had a dupe program trigger poorly with Grindaviking's pics due to the sketches. Been having really good luck so far though with Awesome Photo Finder. Works well and it lets me delete pics from there without needing to pay for a version that can like some others
Alright, nice. My dupecheckers are free or free-versions too.
I know vore isn't this board's thing, but does the comic continue?
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Not to my knowledge at all, no. Don't see why it wouldn't have been at that same site or start with "sb" in filename so I'd see it.

Shame because I loved the kangaroo taur at the end.

Also unrelated but looks like the same anon uploading to g.e-hentai is keeping a grindaviking archive, have some other rare goods you may or may not already have, but favorites to me at least.
Looking for that Adjectivenouncombo's pic with toriel belly stuffing. I know there are 2 archives of his art but neither of them have it
(crap I misread that, you already know it's not there)
For what it's worth 000999 at the FA onion is a thing, completely unrelated though.
Does anyone have Role Reversal by Allymoodyneko? It's 8 images and I can't find it anywhere, not even in that archive site one of the previous posters included.
any lost fat tigress art
I'm looking for a writing piece that was on FA called (I believe) DeDeDate. The problem? I don't remember the name of the person who wrote it.
anyone got a slobstash archive?
Doesn't furarchiver work better?
you think we could get this archive on something else? torbrowser isnt working out for me, maybe a mega folder?
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Does anyone have these in better resolution? Lasercosmo3(yes I know) torched fucking everything and since Mao stuff is rare, I wanna start up a collection zip. soon of fats and wanna cover my bases.
Sadly, it seems these were only on Twitter, and he's covered his tracks on that front. Can't even find his posts on Twuko
well fuck. hopefully someone had it saved for some reason comes by but fuck.
Despite their slob work not being all too good, they still did some fairly good blobs.
Not sure if this is too vague, but I was looking for a piece that I can only assume was deleted from FurAffinity. It was a piece with a fat bear lady in a forest, sitting and looking out to the distance. Her breasts were her biggest feature by far. I'd really appreciate if anyone happens to have it. Thanks.
Does anyone know where to find LordStormCaller's nsfw art? Like an archive or something
I swear to fuck, there was a picture of Aurelina as a blob inflating Herro's Drip Dry by farting into her face a bunch, but obviously because of the big Aurelina nuke a bit ago it's gone. I've never been able to find it, not even on the various archives of her work and galleries people had.

Was it even a real thing?
anyone have a complete archive of bonusart's deviantart and furaffinity galleries?
The Nintento DMCA ninjas claimed caused Garuda-six to delete most of his pokemon art, is there a place where are they archived?
Not that I know of, but I linked a MEGA download for the 4th pack in the dedicated thread for the packs.

He’s got them all archived in his discord server.
Then post it all right here.
anyone know what happened to fathips's patreon or do they have it under a different name?
There was a picture by flittermilk, i think they were called mawsdraws at the time though, and it was the two characters he always uses. and the dialogue was "what's wrong? theo's widdle dick cant reach past his tumtum?"
Welp, cettus is kill. Hope the twitter "left"tards are happy
damn, yes, thank you thank you thank you!
Not a specific artist, but does anyone have a back up of RipAnon’s folders?
Alright, this one is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I would really love to find this video:

Sparkalloon had a YT channel that used to have an animation with a fox being water inflated. What I'm trying to find isn't the new one, but the OLD video with the original voice actors. It has some good noises that the new VAs just didn't do justice.
Hey, does anybody by chance have access to the art BigFattyNinja (formerly BigFattNinja) has on their Twitter account? They closed up shop last month as far as I can see, but it’s not emptied just yet. (hope I’m doing this right)
Recently ridiculouscake (secretgoombaman12345) youtube channel got terminated for breaking tos so his videos got deleted and unfortunately he locked all of his fetish related videos behind a paywall does anyone here have an archive of his videos he made some furry fetish videos
That was a pseudonym of KitsuneZero.
Three years ago Gillpanda was working on an animation. However it was suddenly dropped, without any mention. If anyone knows what happened to it, and can provide the animation or proof it's not worked on anymore, I would be grateful.
I attached the most advanced version of the animation.
What happened with him?
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This was something I saw on Furaffinity back when I created my account in 2013. I’m not sure when the account that posted it was deleted but it’s gone for sure. If anyone can directly link me to the source or tell me some sites where I can find it, I would be eternally grateful
anyone know if trinityfate/slobstash gave their character mindy to anyone? wondering cause trinity gave that one human oc they had to tdookus
Looks like the psycho FA admins got bradley8787 account nuked, maybe for being a gun lover
he was a friend of sugarboy i think and heavy hoss, wrote some good fat/ preg feral stories.
Anyone have an archive?
I ripped what furarchiver could get, but it looks like it didn't get everything. I might have been the first person to to archive, it had to cache or whatever for like two hours before I had the zip.
Oh yeah, Manji. Apparently he went crazy and did blockchains and BLA didn't care for his nasty attitude.
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Does anyone have this one comic by Nemo or Nemo-Hana? It involved Tails blowing up into a balloon shape (as in, the head swelling into the body) while a balloon-shaped rabbit lady explained what was happening. This is what the rabbit lady looked like.
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While I’m at it, does anyone remember Mariethemixel/Marietheunikingdomer or have her old art? We were good friends back in the day, but a few years ago, we broke up for good, and she deactivated her account. Does anyone have any saved or archived art of hers?
How does SauceNao's search algorithm work? Sometimes, I'm able to get the exact Deviantart page where an image came from, but the page itself is a 404. I think this means either SauceNao archived the original page--and thus has access to the original image--or the image was privated and can only be accessed by the author's account. In either case, if SauceNao is still able to access the image itself, how can I retrieve the original image?
There is the one piece I have been trying to find for a few years now and I doubt it's anywhere; I barely remember the name being something like "Kiddie Kabloompf" or what not on dA and it was a sketch of this girl (likely someone's OC), with glasses and something close to a school uniform (not Japanese) looking at a P-Balloon and reaching out and the drawing below showing her inflated; hoping OP didn't delete it like a moralfag but I do want to find it because I remember it looking so damn adorable
There's an image I've been kicking myself for not saving. I know that Plushclover/Pyrokai drew it, but I've combed through both galleries on furarchiver and her gallery on twitter and didn't see it.

It was a commission, I think, of a nerdy blue fox getting inflated by Dig Dug. Like, on one side was him leaning through the TV screen while Dig Dug nervously pumps away, and then we got a cutaway showing his body inflating in his room.

I guess the commissioner must've posted it and taken it down? I don't know. I've looked all over and feel like I'm going crazy.
How about that Patreon that LordStormCaller has?
PLEASE tell me some saved bingeshibe art,the account was nuked a moment before i could rip it,i will try to see if i can recover some images from my history but if anybody has a full rip can please post it.
There was this artist on FA whose name ended with something “pants” He did barista from rhythm heaven fats. I cant seem to find his FA.
Sweatpants maybe?
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Does anyone have the full version of this image. I could only find this low quality/cropped version from a meme
An old Tumblr artist who drew mostly futa, but also occasionally other stuff. Wondering if anyone has that green/yellow snake with crossed arms saved.

An art dump of their stuff would also be welcome.

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