
>>1810 (OP)
Thats cause beastars images are being used at the anime and cartoom thread
Is it okay to shill stories on here? I'm writing a Haru WG fic on my DA
Shill it with a link
You do realize that the majority of this board falls under cartoon/anime furs?
More Legosi
More Legosi fam
Can we get some more Legosi?
(233 KB, 920x450, 7BBD8CF6-9695-433D-88B0-46B0532A4797.jpeg)
Someone upload these images on here please!!! This has Beastars content in it so it counts, and if this is posted in the Viro thread, it’s not gonna get anything done about it since there’s no pics released on it, making it a totally pointless thread.
Holy shit these are good, artist??
Never mind
(228 KB, 397x650, ssdda3.jpg) (224 KB, 397x650, ssdda2.jpg) (205 KB, 397x650, ssdda1.jpg)
Juno has found a new way to "fix" her love problems. She begins to feel soft and happy ... And bigger.

Just enjoy it.
(456 KB, 965x720, ddfs.jpg) (463 KB, 965x720, ddfs2.jpg) (464 KB, 965x720, ddfs3.jpg) (470 KB, 965x720, ddfs4.jpg)
Juno looks for a way to attract legoshi.

Maybe being a big girl is the answer.
A very big girl...
Too big a girl...
Damn, being a very fat wolf.
(453 KB, 965x720, ddfs5.jpg)
Juno is willing to get fat for legoshi and get his attention.
She is able to gain her weight with all kinds of fatty foods and be a fat wolf.
Be the fat wolf of logoshi.
Does anyone have any of Basicbiscuits’ Legoshi art? Or any fat Legoshi in general?
Holy crap I was viewing the thread exactly when you posted this lmao, got any more Legoshi?
Sorry, literally just searched around for your request 5 minutes ago, I don't have any others saved up.
Well, if you could look for more that would be appreciated, in exchange, is there anything I can get you? This goes for other threads as well
Well, keep up the good work Anon!
Can someone please upload this on here or e-hentai with a link?
(3.1 MB, 5500x5000, j1.png) (5.4 MB, 7000x5500, j2.png)
Juno sequence

(there's some paw stuff, but it's still fat so it counts)
(205 KB, 1280x1097, j3(2).jpg) (161 KB, 1280x853, j4(2).jpg)
>>7659 cont.

(the transparent image files were too big)
(174 KB, 1280x1164, j1s(2).jpg) (216 KB, 1280x1006, j2s(2).jpg) (259 KB, 1280x1097, j3s(2).jpg)
>>7661 It also has a slob edit (y'know, sweat and belching) which I'll spoiler just in case.

(fucked up and didn't spoiler it at first, I'm dumb)

Good god, she just straight up mutated into a sci-fi blob monster.

That's what a lot of slob stuff is like
Needs to be fatter. Boffadem.
Someone edit/fix this gif to make them fat.
Danm that first one is good.
I know it’s done by a fella by Sparcock but could any soul link to a brother?
(131 KB, 1380x1184, FF23b39XEAAaquN.jpg)
Don't know if it is Louis but it looks like him
More kyuu
What about cosmos the dancer?
Does anyone have the legoshi sequence by midsummernightsdream?
Is there a full with her shoving the burgers in her mouth?
Thank you for sharing those. The artist is a crazy person, it's unfortunate, but the series is all right.
What the fuck even is this sub fetish? Like how does one get aroused by holding your breath underwater?
That's even more autistic.
Well clearly you’re just not truly horny enough to appreciate.
to be fair you kinda walked yourself into that one


do you have a source on those two pics?
Is from CasaDeCal
BasicBiscuit for all of them
This rocks- hypocritically judgemental fatasses are the best.

(Especially when they're significantly bigger than the character they're judging)
The full version is now out. Does anyone have it?
Source on first image?
Isn't there a version with sound?
Hey, I see ya'll posted my animation! Even though this is posted on a paid content thread, I would appreciate if some of ya'll would consider supporting my actual Patreon! This project took months to finish on top of all the other things I did!
Unfortunately, this one did not have any sounds! I wanted to get it shipped right away, and boy, did it get shipped!
Where did you get that comic?
Virus-20 to be exact
Any have it in higher quality?
(2.0 MB, 1427x925, juno.PNG)
idk how much the qulity has changed but its cus he streamed this so im assuming i wasnt the only one who snipped it xD
Funny thing cause I did more to it after the stream so this isn't the final >w<
Anyone got anything from BubbleBurps? Their tweets are protected atm
Mad based reply, might actually sub because of this
Sauce on those edited manga panels?
(4.8 MB, 3460x3430, Drawing 1.png)
I have no idea how the quality of this will be, but I used a phone image editor more designed for making SVG files to edit out Legoshi on this image.
(230 KB, 2572x1550, Riz.jpg)
Commission I got from a friend of mine
Who’s the artist on this Juno piece?
Who's the artist of the haru piece?
heavyreptile on fur affinity
(3.8 MB, 1510x2264, haru_comm-1.png)
Chubby bunny mom by metalpandora
>>1811 anybody have sauce on the light blue background ones
>>32198 mb, wrong thread, im new
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
You forgot the 5th one which was posted before these 4
(201 KB, 1468x2048, FlJFKEyXEAEMiwS.jpeg)
Diff anon here, you mentioned it and I had to search for it, found it though! Damn is it good.
I wish we had an ongoing sequence of Juno progressively getting fatter
This artist needs to return to doing artwork again

Someone PLEASE make a video where they’re underwater holding their breath and then it shows the next seen and pffft! I would laugh till my sides hurt if I saw that. Especially if it had the proper sound effects!

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