
You can also feel free to share your thread ideas too.
You will note: This is an example of what thread you can make up.
(280 KB, 1280x1097, 1656973083.zaphod-_dizzyberry.jpg)
Post anything whether art, animation, etc. related to subject.
Provide sauce if capable.
I wanna see some berries/fruit, preferably NSFW, otherwise is fine.
ah yes a thread dedicated to planning hyper niche threads that receive zero replies, endless bumps from the same retard who created them, and clutter the catalog while bumping off actually productive threads. exactly what this board needs
Thank you. 👍

But you have to be positive and greatful.

And P.S: this thread does not have constant bumps, it gets attention, it does not make clutter, and it doesn't bump off other threads.
That's right. It's for thread ideas only.
> it does not make clutter, and it doesn't bump off other threads
yes it does and if you claim otherwise you're either willfully ignorant or trolling and deliberately trying to flood the board with spam. if you pay any attention to the catalog it's filled with unnecessary threads that have 0-3 replies from the same retard who keeps making them and minimal engagement from others. for example, there's like 16 inflation threads and of those 16 several are duplicates. >>17946 (Cross-thread) is similar to >>7566 (Cross-thread), a thread that already existed. >>17225 (Cross-thread) has like no content and has been bumped 3 fucking times by the same person. it should go under the general thread >>5738 (Cross-thread) since there clearly isn't enough content to warrant a new thread for such a hyper specific topic. >>17335 (Cross-thread) and >>16534 (Cross-thread), >>17881 (Cross-thread) and >>16807 (Cross-thread) are additional examples. traffic wise this is a slow board, having literally dozens of hyper niche threads (or duplicates) does more harm than good because previously established threads will be bumped off due to finite catalog space. as inconvenient as it might be for you, overgeneralizing topics (or merging several topics together into one thread) is necessary to preserve and ensure conversation continues on such a slow board. several of these threads really don't need to exist, they should be categorized under preexisting topics.

you know posts have IDs right? you're not fooling anyone by samefagging.
Forgot the ID's. next time I will add ID's Thanks.
And please spread the word to all the other boards!

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