
(353 KB, 960x720, latest.png)
I don't understand anything with it and I've been trying to find a way to get the in game sprites because it's very high quality (Eggo is a good belly artist, no surprise there). I've already tried plenty of tools to try and extract the data.win file with no luck and he never uploaded the art for these characters in the game to his furaffinity page except for one boss. If anyone can help that would be great.
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>>16941 (OP)
i'm happy that i might be able to help. i have found one of the images inside the game files and I believe there are more. I will continue updating if I find them.
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I have extracted a lot more, this might everything you wanted but let me know if you think there is more. I will write a brief explanation of how I did this because I know how frustrating it is to find solved threads without solutions.
Thank you very much, I appreciate it, it's a shame Eggo never normally uploaded these on his furaffinity page except for the one doberman boss.
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key tools used once I identified the likely encoding of the images as PNG and the game's engine as GameMaker:
- Linux
- This extractor tool https://github.com/TheUnlocked/GameMakerImageExtractor

The tool is obscure but is written in modern C#, so it can be compiled and used without too much work. I have a compatible compiler and runtime like this:

yay -S dotnet-sdk

Download the source code of the tool:

git clone https://github.com/TheUnlocked/GameMakerImageExtractor.git

Then, I used a text editor to edit the GameMakerImageExtractor.csproj file inside the GameMakerImageExtractor folder that is itself inside the outer GameMakerImageExtractor folder, and replaced the instance of "2.1" with "6.0". This is a common type of build system fix, you can use this command

dotnet --version

to find out what number you should use there.

after this edit, change your shell's working directory to the same folder containing GameMakerImageExtractor.csproj and compile and run the tool:

cd GameMakerImageExtractor/GameMakerImageExtractor
dotnet run

This app has a very simple UI that most users can probably understand intuitively. Click File -> Open... to launch an OS file selection window, and choose the game's data.win file that OP already mentioned. A list of the detected images will appear, and can be previewed in-app. To save them, click Extract -> Extract all... and choose a folder to store them in.

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