
(501 KB, 744x956, SumoTigress.PNG) (315 KB, 1251x948, SumoJon.PNG) (440 KB, 941x941, SumoRevali.PNG) (1.1 MB, 853x953, SumoGodzilla.PNG)
I'm looking for a rather old image of a bunch of furry sumo wrestlers sitting around a table enjoying a meal with a very large lion at the head of it. I cannot find it anywhere on the web.

I also figured, why not make this a sumo thread as well; we don't have one yet.
Thanks bro!
Source for that first pic?
ed_shapeshifter before he blew up the account. now goes by duskpoom on Twitter
(85 KB, 1280x1002, f962fe47dd6eabaf0c0c3962ddc73e6224077f4104faf30c2a222fce254fbce1.jpg) (69 KB, 839x953, e704df98556ccb3f509d3392f075ff722a63a61e534d59ace6adaaf229e5921a.jpg) (77 KB, 825x608, d24f792f4e51babf6e46b7b89263d7ca9574a40b5aa0bdfef4c2784189513674.jpg) (93 KB, 1280x924, 1ee2dae39572cf83c76849c4a2e8d6dec5cc349d67f8c3b47d37e530376f5c11.jpg) (113 KB, 1280x832, 202cfad78f151ac57913a4b540954c10ebb95300a32e63279199cb4db4e109b9.jpg) (95 KB, 1280x1002, a0d7bbe4da109e33160ecaa20b1fed1d8a1ecdce8368ee12b816736185d1346e.jpg)
Honestly, I wish there was a separate board for furry inflation. Like, not weight gain, but inflation, the round, airy kind of bulk.

I’m a furry, but I also like inflation more than weight gain. /inf/ is mostly just human art, and if you ask for furry art, they just say “uh bbfurries is literally right there 🙄” but then if you go to bbfurries, you’ll mostly find blobby, sweaty, stinky furs, and maybe even some scat, which I loathe.

At this point, I’m just venting so… #makeinffurathing

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