
(100 KB, 649x740, unknown-1872.png)
With the uh, you know what being revealed in the movie I think it's a good time to distract from that with some obese mouse girl

Share what you have or can find, good quality art preferred
Don't need shitty ms paint edits
>>15551 (OP)
Is that you Fawxen? Surely it is, I can't think of anyone else with that good of a taste

I just need more gadget
I'm pretty sure I've seen and done it all but this place has its surprises.
>>15551 (OP)
So you didn’t like what happened?
It was decidedly cursed in a number of ways.
Try tubbytoon
2 new pictures of her within the past decade between underage characters and Marge Simpson.

And one of them is locked behind an image pack.
No thanks.
Scratch that

BOTH "new" pics of her are locked behind image packs and are about 3 years old

What a shit load of fuck
Yeah it wouldn't let me post that one for some reason, so I just decided not to.
There's a few images I'm not able to share for some reason and idk why.
Any Clarice/Foxglove fats?
A couple, but OP was asking for Gadget specifically.
Post them anyway?
Eh. Why not? I mean there's probably not much considering.
OP here
i don't mind since art of them is a lot more scarce
share away
jesus christ that second and fourth one LOL
(13 KB, 287x382, unknown.png) (400 KB, 500x500, sfsdfs.png)
I did that fourth one and honestly it's easier to draw an entirely new pic rather than edit a screenshot

(if you want it to look good and convincing)
Jeez- Don't be rude
You're one to talk about underage, you goddamn hypocrite. Guess how old people would assume Sue from Cave Story is? I can tell you one thing; it's not old enough to save you from people like you calling you a disgusting piece of shit. To a lesser extent with Kumatora as well. Just because it's vague doesn't mean people can't interpret her as being a tall 17 year old or something, same with Lammy.
...My dude. Do kindly shut the fuck up. You antis are getting on my nerves. Just let people like the characters they like. Canonical ages mean nothing when people can age up or reinterpret characters.

In short: Take your 'stop having fun' talk somewhere else.
Is this new? Also, assuming you are Fawxen, keep up the good work and thank you
Oh I think that second one is, I haven't seen it before. Sweet!

Yeah if that's you Fawx, keep up the good work.
No, YOU need to shut the fuck up, how the fuck am I an anti? HE'S the one who qualifies for that. I'm literally telling him he has no right to talk about this. Gain some reading comprehension.
(102 KB, 600x1155, e01.jpg)

I should probably start tipping you for letting me live in your head rent free for so long.

You're really just prowling boards looking for anything I say that's remotely critical about anything just so you can "get" me with things I've apparently said or done, as if that will make a difference on threads where my content is generally sought out.

Grow a pair and talk to me mano a mano without the curtain of anonymity

And if you happen to be blocked then that's on you for being a shithead with a name tag attached.

So tell me who you are since you clearly know who I am.

I don't give a shit about what people are into as long as it doesn't effect me directly or unless it's actually REALLY bad.

So like shut up, get some help lol.
Hope you enjoyed losing your friend of 3 years, I'm sure it wasn't your fault at all. Clearly you aren't depressed about it seeing as you're here.
Ooh a dig that's supposed to make me upset when you have no idea what went on besides what I talked about on twitter
how will I ever recover

seriously fuck off lol
No, you fuck off you goddamn sociopathic liar. How many dead people you going to privately shittalk in your hugbox server, huh? Fuck you, I hope people drag you and accuse you of being a pedophile for the shit you draw. You shouldn't trust people, cause NO ONE should trust you in the first place.
I half want to know what the story of this is but at the same time not.

...Oh well. Back to fat, brainy mice.
Compared with the other threads on this board I wasn't expecting this one to be the one with inane schizo rambling but here we are. At least, that's what it looks like without context
this guy was on the sonic girls thread, too, same shit, different corn

You can say that again. corn is right, brother
Source of the third pic?
(38 KB, 489x750, 1235508_906638116032050_723358792808691526_n.jpg)
I just got banned form his hugbox discord because I posted of age Coco fat art from Kemp. They said that aging up a character doesn't count. Some cunt Ashley decided to snitch on me and gang up on me. get better friends because they might be the ones who betray you like the last ones. Your fat art is good but you letting your 'friends' dictate what's ok with what little information you have on the subject will be your downfall.
(16 KB, 351x331, furries.PNG) (136 KB, 1507x717, furries2.PNG)
Also I didn't even get a chance to say my part and explain why aging up a character was ok. They also used and older description about her age. They also had a problem about me posting cettus because of supposed nazi images they draw. The stories of discord mods are true. They just are power hungry and only go with mob rule. Again, get better friends.
Who's discord server?

I honestly can agree with this. Then again, being a radical on either end - especially left - seems to be whats 'cool' now.
Ah I see. That's a shame. I like them, but I gotta agree with you, sounds like they need to get some better friends.

Or at least ones that aren't toxic Antis.

Call me a cunt some more please it's very funny lol
(51 KB, 635x513, 2604AC09-6107-4F0A-BC8E-91B1796B8149.jpg)
Alright keep acting smug about it, cunt. still makes it pretty dumb to have someone banned over art you disagree with even though its not illegal. You're just a lowly snitch.

I'm sorry you're mad that you're a weirdo pedophile

Also I will continue to be smug and laugh at you for being a weirdo lmao
You throw that term pretty loosely. Sure it isn't projection? Happens 90% of the time with people like you.

I know you're trying to do this whole like "You accuse me of shit fart cum, but maybe it is YOU who shit fart cums" but you're still the one posting art of underaged characters lol

Stay mad forever that you got banned from breaking rules I guess

I don't know what the discussion here is about, but please people let's stick to the content. And before you insult people please inform yourself of what you are talking about and be mature. This is a thread for art. If you don't like the art, there are many things and many ways that you can do to be positive in your support, instead of hateful.

Umm is this supposed to be funny or "cute"?
They said it was aged up. And you draw Noelle a lot, does she not count but Coco does? Noelle is in highschool which, pushing it to the absolute limit of the benefit of the doubt, makes her 18 or 19 in senior year. Cutting it close. You could easily say Coco is hovering around that point, if Crash and Tawna both count as adults undisputably. Aged up, even more so.

Listen, I like you. I like your art, and I see where you're coming from. I don't want you to think I'm fighting you here.

I'm just saying that if you're going to engage with this at all, then it'd be good to at least acknowledge that it's not SO black and white as you say.

And if you really ARE so confident you're completely right, and it is black and white- and you're on the totally good side- Then you can just comfortably not engage with these losers on 4chan. I mean...it's 4chan. It isn't, but, it basically is.

I assume you're the real Fawxen. Again, I like you, I'm not trying to be a dick. I don't know you, and I wanna give you the benefit of the doubt. But you're acting like you're not as relaxed about this as you're trying to play it off.

If it really didn't matter to you, you wouldn't be here.
None of these prior replies are from me. Except the link to seatbelt's alt. I considered just leaving the subject alone but since this thread about a genius mouse woman but fat tends to turn into a "complain about fawxen thread" since I made it I guess I have to say something.

MonkeyBoy, you were only kicked, not banned, because whenever you've posted something unfavorable you got up in arms about it especially when its pointed out by someone while I'm occupied with my job or just something else entirely.

This isn't about me having "bad friends"
I know what bad friends are like and Ashley isn't one of them.

Yes I'm against art of underage characters
(Yea an "anti", cause i guess that has to be a thing)
Deltarune had only been an exception due to how vague things were regarding the ages of the characters and how it could be interpreted. But I've decided it's not a hill worth dying on even if artwork has been done in private since I stopped publicly.

I've got my own characters to draw anyway and a perfect noelle substitute from a game I'm developing that anyone can enjoy without getting the shit kicked out of them.

I personally believe aging up is fine if a different design of the character is made to match their age, but that often doesn't happen so I'm not gonna touch that, like with Deltarune stuff it's also not a hill worth dying on.

I've made mistakes over the years, but as a whole I've been learning from them and consider myself a good person because of it.
If that isn't good enough for some people then that's not my fault.

Just to be clear that the kicking wasn't anything personal, someone else ended up posting art by that cettus person and made a big fuss over it. Likely to just stir the pot for no fucking reason. They were kicked as well.

I just wanted to see some fat gadget and it always has to go to shit for no reason.

I even didn't specify not wanting to see things I don't personally like here so others can enjoy the thread too.

Like fucking hell.
I did not 'get up in arms' over any of that. I just wanted to make my point, but everyone decided to make a big deal over it and bring in the mods. I try to give an explanation like separating the art from the artist or aging up is fine, but everyone had a melt down over the thought of those. It's not me, it's them.

I'm not Fawxen, I'm Ashley, the person the angry dude called a cunt, not the one who runs the server.

Get your facts straight, please.

Also also, this is a take from me personally -

Seperating art from artist is a cowards take, and shows you would be willing to sit idly by while someone, who is a piece of shit, continues to be a piece of shit. "But the art is good tho" So? They are a piece of shit, that does not matter.

And - in my opinion, aging up is not okay, because it implies an attraction to a character that is already a child. I can tried to be countered on this or whatever, but I really do not care. I'm not going to be swayed on this.

This is gonna be my last post in this thread.
>>17024 >>17018

Oh my god who the fuck cares. Listen, if you people presumably all have connections via discord, you can talk it out amongst yourselves there instead of dragging whatever petty drama you’re screaming about here. No one comes to a thread like this to read whatever the hell all that is, I come here expecting fat mouse girl, not what looks like an screaming match I’d expect from the more unhinged side of Twitter.
Agreed, you two drama queens, bring us art in repentance
African American
If only she didn't deflate
>>15551 (OP)
>good quality art preferred
it's so funny to me that you have to specify that on this site
Lest we be reminded of Amy and Cream...
So many other users on the other boards seem to post things that are either made on a base, or seemingly done on MS Paint. Especially the case with the chipmunk thread here.
Who’s the mad genius who made a Slither reference?
she's full of fly eggs
Yes, precisely. Do you have an artist name, I can’t read the filenames

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