
you had to pick the worst artist to start this thread off didnt you
This is not going so well. this needs more attention
op where is sause
First 2 are by Daemonking, 3rd is from Quexbexi (known as BexiBlimps on DA)
you got any more enigma20xx's uber inflation pics?

also is it just me or does uber inflation seem underrated?
this'd be my shit if it wasn't for the fucking eyes
ok, idk how this'll sound but here goes. I love things like the head/hands sinking into the body, the cheeks and lips swelling up, pussy swelling up, etc. when it comes to inflation shit cuz it shows how big and tight they're getting right? I think that's hot as shit, but when it comes to the eyes, it leans more into cartoonish and creepy. Like uncanny valley type shit, yknow what I mean? Its a bit of a turn off for me personally, but I see why it's incorporated; to show the air running out of places in the body would go. But the eyes getting pumped up just looks weird to me. But then again, I like the rare pics where the hairs inflated, so idk how much room I got to talk
That makes sense

But what about the bellybutton
ehhhhhh, that's also pretty cartoonish, but it doesn't bother me as much as the eyes.
Thats what happens to peoples stomachs when they have a lot of stuff in there
(697 KB, 1240x584, wait a minute.png)
Who copied who here? all I know is one of these artists has a patreon where you have to pay to see this and its not the drawn one.
suba posted 3 months before hell-resident did and suba's version is on deviantart for free, hell-resident you have to pay for
This sequence got released for free with the panel edited out. This one post just damaged hell-resident he’s went from 360+ patrons to 311. Hope he learns from this and goes original from now on.
no I have this thing called tastes and this artist doesnt suit anyones tastes
Where did her boobs go?

yeah that makes sense
I can't believe this was staring at us for the whole time and only one person noticed
I wouldn't start on shitting on artist who do the uber inflation art as thats how you start to loose them. ( Don't turn into the flattening tread on 4 chan basically )

Also the miss slayer ones are just traces of Enigma art work and the hell resident one said they did trace it but have taken it down

If people start shitting on the uber artist no one is gonna draw them :/ and plus you guy's only have a small amount of artist doing this kind of art anyway most of the time they don't do them because people complain about the eyes and the bodies.
Also on this art it was a commission from miss slayer who was just asking the artist to do some art based off someone else. I spoke to the artist and they said they were just annoyed by the whole thing as the comic didn't make sense what so ever.

I find it very unfair that people shit on this artist as they are very nice to talk to while making sure that they get their art right and making sure the client they have get what they want.

The artist didn't like the commission it didn't make sense in the last panel but couldn't do anything due to client not listening.

I'm just saying I find these boards make fun of anyone who are making content for people and it should stop otherwise its gonna get to a point where no artist is gonna make uber inflation again due to people who shit on the artist who are going out of their way to make free content for people.

Uber inflation gets shit for the way it looks as it is I'm pretty sure people would be pissed if it suddenly stopped but at least we'd know the reason and it would be a pretty shitty one.
the artist is a known copy and paster who ignores all criticism and advice to help them improve, If you lost this uber artist you'd be in the same boat as the flattening threads who are thankfully they are gone

Oh shut up trybat
Oh, its this asshole from the flattening thread Op ban them their a right jackass.

I'm going to give context I'm a mod to a server they're in I've seen how you talk to people and man you're a right c*** don't you dare to talk to people like that just because they didn't want to talk to you. I'm in you sever I know how you talk to people as soon as the person doesn't agree with you, your face switched and you turn into a two-faced bastard.

They always just write off any artist who doesn't agree with them. But the artist didn't take their " Advice ". aka they didn't want to reply to every hi they ever wrote because they were working or didn't want to talk which is ok to do it's their life. Plus this guy kept kissing them that wasn't ok that's creepy as fuck.

" Advice " as in it made the artist uncomfortable talking to them because of their manipulative little shit.

She does not copy and paste, she did not want to take your " criticism " .. She just didn't want to draw flattening art anymore that it stop trying to turn it into something else when it's not, Grow some balls grow up and move on. Their gonna keep on doing art whether you like it or not so shut it. We know who you are you're known in many discords servers as a trouble maker.
this reads like a fallen post the broken english does not help
well this thread is dead
anyone else got all of enigma20xx's uber inflation artowrk?
I don't know why but something about that one panel makes me laugh with this one is that her titty juice flying in that kids face lol?
Thx a whole lot.

Idk m8, maybe another person inflated in the sky squirted their milk that fell on the girl? Maybe the lactation of an inflated person is contagious?? Haha
Is their more from this user?
These are amazing. Any chance of Carmelita? OR a Krystal?
Who made these?
cypher the indramon
shouldnt this be in /inf/? I remember it being made in that part of the board.
yea but people kept posting sonic and furry shit so now its here sadly
which honestly sucks bc i find ubers to be extremely underrated, and ever since it moved here it died out completely.
Anyone got the engima20xx blaze ball one?
Can anyone post Engina20xx art?
please post Engina20xx's art
I want to see them
Do more
Don't know why, but I really like the 4th one. Please make more. ;)

I seriously love all three of these, and I'd love to see some more if ever possible
Can you draw team Rwby?
I'm not too good at drawing humans ubered out(besides, that wouldn't fit on this board anyway)

I'm really tempted to post more stuff like this on FA, i've just been way too insecure about it.
>>2050 (Cross-thread)

Oooo, post your FA! I'll totally insta-watch it!
Also, I dunno if you could do my request, but do you think you could do a before and after of a little Eevee getting Ubered from being put in a rice cooker? Nothing graphic, just he steam Ubering him up! :33
Can you at least give it a shot on the Uber inflated thread that is in /inf?
Please try and do the thing
>>4053 that “even weirder variant” is quite cute

If you could uber inflate anyone who would it be?
if you could uber inflate anyone who would it be?
is not fanon is canon
uber is geman
on discord.
phjydesgatedggfg has limited the viewing of this artwork to members of the DeviantArt community only.
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me /shitbag/
I remember there being an uber of Sakura from Naruto and an uber of revy from black lagoon. They are from an artist called Art201. Anyone remember them?
Fnaf wtf inflation
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