
(208 KB, 1280x996, 1612601852.anonymous361998_maid_marian_white.jpg) (152 KB, 1280x892, 1641417816.wojtekthepolishdog_marana.jpg) (1.6 MB, 1280x1024, 1498171943.strongerthandirt_maid_marian_fa.png) (5.7 MB, 4722x3330, 1612285681.theawesomefoxguy_fatty_maid_marian_2021_.png)
Maid Marian yawned as she slowly opened her eyes. Blinking the last vestiges of sleep from her eyes, she turned her head as best she could to glance out the window. She soon sighed sadly as she saw the empty spot down in the castle courtyard that was normally occupied by the royal coach. Robin still wasn’t back from his trip back to Nottingham to catch up with his old friends Little John and Friar Tuck. She normally would have accompanied him but well…
Maid Marian was fat. There was no other way to say it. It had been a little over a year and a half since her and Robins’ last trip to Nottingham, and in that time the once thin and lithe vixen had absolutely ballooned in size and weight. No longer feeling the need to act “ladylike” after her marriage to Robin Hood, she had finally begun to indulge her appetite for the variety of exotic and delicious delicacies the royal kitchens could prepare.
And so, as the days turned into weeks, and then into months since the last trip, those appetites (and Marians’ weight) had only grown larger and larger. Where once before she might have only eaten a single small slice of custard tart or a single small plate of roast beef or ham, now she regularly ate three or even more custard tarts and an entire ham in a single sitting. And that wasn’t even counting the rather immense number of snacks and “samples” of the days meal she’d go through in a single day. What to others was a small banquet for three or so people was a single meal for her, with equally large meals being served three times a day, every single day.
And the end results of her gluttonous ways were…dramatic, to say the least. She’d become an absolute blob of obese bliss now, a goddess of gluttony. The reason she hadn’t accompanied Robin was simple: she was much too fat to even fit in the coach. Heck, it was seriously doubtful if she could even be moved at all.
But sad as she’d been to see Robin leave without her, she absolutely loved her corpulent figure. Chuckling to herself, she turned her head as best she could to see past her immense cheeks, she admired herself in the immense mirror beside her bed. Or well, what was left of her bed, being little more than a mattress crushed beneath her massive bulk and surrounded by a scattering of pulverized and crushed bits of the bedframe.
As she looked into the mirror, she couldn’t help but smile. Her glorious bulk was truly a sight to behold. Her whole body was one immense blob, her legs and arms so swollen and bloated with fat they looked at first glance to almost be one with her monstrous belly and butt. Her hands and feet had long ago sunken into the monolith of obesity she had become, now only able to wiggle uselessly, causing a cascade of jiggles and wobbles to radiate out from where they sat surrounded by fat and flab.
Marian just giggled as she jiggled like a massive furry jello, shifting as best she could, causing the jiggling and wobbling to only intensify, the sensation of her fat wobbling a feeling the vixen had grown to love.
She was snapped out of her thoughts when a loud, glorping, gurgling growl emanated from deep within her massive, blubbery belly, the sound echoing through the whole bedroom and even out into the hallway beyond. The corpulent vixen froze, a slight blush coloring her cheeks for a second as she giggled. She’d been so focused on admiring her body she’d failed to notice that she felt completely and utterly famished, hungry enough to clean out every cupboard and pantry in the royal kitchen.
As her stomach gurgled and growled yet again, setting off another round of jiggling and wobbling from her fat belly, she called out as loud as she could.
“Cook! Cook! Could you please come here please?” She called out, a little embarrassed to have to rush the cook for breakfast so soon. Within a matter of a few seconds the door to the bedroom slowly creaked open, and the royal chef, a portly wolf not too dissimilar to a much better groomed and polite Sheriff of Nottingham, stepped into the room.
“Yes my lady? Is something wrong?” He asked, his trademark wide smile plastered across his face.
“Well…. I’m sorry to hurry you but I would like to be brought breakfast as soon as possible please…” She said sheepishly as she blushed.
Without saying another word, the wolf chef just bowed and left the room, shutting the door behind him. Maid Marian just smiled and licked her lips as her belly growled and jiggled like a furry waterbed, already eager for the cavalcade of culinary delights that would soon come her way.
And that moment seemed to take forever to come, her stomach going from growling to positively roaring its hunger. But finally, the chamber door opened, as the smell of food caressed her nose and made her mouth water and her stomach roar even louder. But not only did the door open to the scent of food, it also opened to reveal another lovely development: the tray, loaded down with enough sausage, bacon, eggs, and toast (buttered of course) to feed a small army, was being held in the hand of her dear husband Robin Hood.
Marian couldn’t help but let out a tiny “eeep!” of delight at the sight of Robin, glad to have him finally home with her. Robin just smiled that little smile of his. Much as it had shocked Marian to discover, Robin hadn’t seemed to care one jot that she was slowly growing into an immobile idol of obesity. So long as she was happy, he was happy.
“How’s my lovely vixen feeling this morning?” He asked as he approached Marians blubbery bulk.
“Oh I feel so much better now that you’re here!” She said in a delighted tone. “Still hungry though!” She giggled as she licked her lips yet again, eyes glued firmly to the tray of food in her husband’s hand.
Robin just smiled as he began to climb up the vixens’ blobby belly, her feet and hands idly and eagerly wiggling a little as he approached her head.
“Well then let us fix that hunger then my dear….” He said sweetly as she opened her mouth wide, as he picked up a slice of bacon, beginning the first of that day’s great meals, a lovely end to Maid Marians wonderful morning...

(the short story thing was attached to the first image)
A shame that there isn´t more of this sequence.
I love the fact that this movie has so many fat characters.
It's only natural that Maid Marian gets to join them.
if only there's more of chonky robin and marian art out there

On the other hand, ppl are chicken to try weight gain of the Bluey cast
I know this is a maid Marian thread, but since they are from the same movie, can we get some fat Robin Hood?
No, loser. Not what the thread is for- if you wanna see that, ask about it in a different one.
Damn that's good. I especially like her face with thoughts chubby cheeks.

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