
Thank you :)
Looks good. Keep it up. Thanks
It's just for leisure
Kinda but I really just wanted to see these colored
With pink underwear and bra
Thank you, Shes perfect!
Great job Colorizer :)
No pants
Does anyone have an original character to color?
(1.2 MB, 2048x1502, 3 sin título_20220506225936.png)
I'm sorry I can't do it because it's black and white and the color darkens and doesn't look good. Also, use other methods and the color is very clear :(
And speaking of the echidna, him sketch is very dirty and the lines will show, wouldn't that be a bother?
Oh well it was worth a shot still this looks good :)
It's a compliment!
I don't really mind. Just do your best (if you do it) and I'm sure it'll turn out fine
I do!
Sure, but i'm actually colorizing the WG sequence of >>14784
No problem. Take your time.
(686 KB, 1232x1700, djjy.png) (644 KB, 1500x2160, jdhj.png) (2.0 MB, 1800x2160, thzht.png) (783 KB, 1800x2160, tzrsh.png) (754 KB, 1800x2160, ydtdgf.png) (140 KB, 928x1151, thzsrgtr.jpg)
Can anyone colour the first 5 pics please. the the outfit colour, have it be red & white with the white on the side and for Amy colours, the 6th pic is the ref.
(93 KB, 2483x3508, IMG_20220508_194037.png)
a small notification, I will not be so frequent because I will do a small story of WG/Inflation/Blueberry(similar).

I am going to color the wolf, the alligator and the pink hedgehog. And possibly the echidna
Good job Colorizer :)
She is swallowing a female Godzilla
OR here very nice, thou her arms meant to be tan coloured just like her muzzle, her hairband isn't coloured and I did ask for white in the sides of her outfit but still it's great. Oh and I think you missed a small spot on her left shoulder strap of the outfit.
very soon I will do the others
Alright & thanks once again for taken my request.
Oh the white on the side really makes her stand out a bit more. Thou her arms are still the wrong colour and by arms I mean the whole arms & not the armwraps, Also I think the armwraps look better in white. Sorry for being nitpicky, especially in a request thread but I just to make sure it comes out right.
(87 KB, 643x450, cc.PNG)
right idea but I shouldn't said the arms be tan coloured in >>14960 the colour I meant to say is the same one that is used for her mouth area/muzzle (pic related), I forgot what the colour was actually called, again sorry for being an idiot.
(437 KB, 1232x1700, export202205102146448090.png)
Rather, forgive me. I didn't quite understand what you were asking for. But by reviewing the texts and seeing the references I was able to do it well. I'm going to do the other whales.
Perfect, that's what I wanted. Again thanks for bearing with you to get it right.
truly amazing work, I love it and thank you.
Shes stunning! Many thanks indeed!
Could someone do this?
well, i feel very insecure about the result since it is not that detailed
It doesn't matter
Just forget about the yellow parts underneath rodans wings
>>15085 it's perrrfect (oωo)
yo is the first piece original or is there a source?
(176 KB, 1280x1606, bloon feet vix no socks.jpg)
Forgive if its not any ones taste :c. But any one willing to color this piece? I don't think its a known character, it just seems to be some random vixen. So a fox color pallet is fine or what ever y'all think fits
It alright,but it’s not subtle or nuanced. It tasteless and lukewarm. But,it alright.
Take as much time ya need my man :)
Thank you so much, she's perfect!
Amazing work dude! Thanks so much :)
Great job :)
(2.3 MB, 2168x1662, zzzxcxcxcxc.jpg) (255 KB, 664x1198, 462022222530.jpg)
This is an edit from MSLY from the third Edit Thread.

This one needs to be colored and shaded the right way.

Just what I want, if possible. ❤
Oops i let the thread die :(

But I already did the first part of the story. Very soon I will paint them
but as stated, I would like it inked and coloured
For the ink - to fill in missing details like feet and hand outlines
No one has made a colored Flora for a while smh.
Great job :)
she's perfect! thank you so much
(1.5 MB, 1808x2168, roxas617_weight_lifting.png) (127 KB, 580x799, massive_amybikini02.jpg)
Kinda odd to post this here but I think it fits here better than the edit thread, So can anyone make the belly, boobs & arms in the first pic be coloured tan(? peach? IDK what's the colour name, the colour used for her muzzle/mouth area) and have belly & boob pattern be like it is in the 2nd pic.
Jesus. I look that u don't like crash
What do you mean
Mmm... You dont understand the irony
(1.5 MB, 1808x2168, colour edit help.png)
Alright but you forgot you colour the belly & boobs light tan or whatever that colour is called, and Also when I said "have belly & boob pattern be like it is in the 2nd pic." I meant the tan part of them is shaped & not the bikini pattern thou I understand how you got it confused, so I added tan coloured lines & black arrows to the OG pic to make it easier to show what I meant. leave the arms tan and remove the hearts on the bra & panties.
Now that's more like it, it's great. thanks
oh and the OG artist of the pic is Roxas617. also I'm guessing "51 sin titulo" is your username
I won't argue any longer because it would be pointless, but there's is no irony in what you said earlier. I guess the word you were searching was "sarcasm"
I think someone finally sees the hidden messages hehe.

and about the title, I never title the drawings and so that is the default.
Yes, this is the word
i thought all pokemon counted as furry so put it here but regardless of that she looks amazing so thank you very much
bro... it's just a bad coloring on a chalk lineart
Thanks for this. Looks really good
Somebody can give a reference of the character?
Thank you it its if it's not too much trouble you can color her belly and legs with the same color as her boobs and arms and the little clouds of the gigantamax curry
Thank you! These are incredible!
I don't feel comfortable with those. Rather, I colored the gray cat and the green demon specter for the same reason I wrote: so as not to let the thread die
It's alright dude
Just to know, all my Crash girls request is a no for that reason?

I don't care really, you do what you want to do I respect that, but if I have an answer, I'll stop waiting or maybe expect something
Well thank you, sorry if I pissed you off, it seems like you only did it just so that I don't bother you again.

So yeah sorry if I bothered you and if you didn't want to do them really, but I thank you for taking the time of doing it still
But I just noticed the third picture it's not the good character you did, but I can't post the good one because the site is preventing me from reposting the same image, so see this post>>16237
Thank you for all of them
(808 KB, 1565x2651, 01b_Razz.jpg)
That's normal, because the person posted a drawing that I commissioned, but the character is not even close to that one.

This is the OC of an artist, this is the good character reference for what the guy above asked you to do
(26 KB, 473x476, images.jpg)
you're right. I better try to draw something while waiting for an answer. I have a feeling the panda is underage and there aren't that many full body references to her, or maybe her body reference isn't necessary for what she was created for, a racing game.
My bad, the character was posted next to another set of Crash characters so I assumed it was Yaya
(950 KB, 1307x1280, 84 sin título.png)
Idk how is the multiplication colorization method. Only paint with multiplication layers
I wasn't the one to post this request, despite it being my commission, but thank you for the pink version, which is the actual character for my commission
(428 KB, 1446x984, 83 sin título_20220611110500.png)
it is a fundamental rule not to trust what is on the internet. Much less in an anonymous forum like this, but I really liked you and I trust you, so...
Thanks none the less!
(393 KB, 1439x1057, muffet a.PNG) (405 KB, 1425x1101, muffet b.PNG) (108 KB, 734x881, muf.jpg)
would be extremely grateful to anyone willing to take a crack at these
Thank you even more for this version too
could this one be done please?
I saw what is super white. Also i make this coloring >>16542 what this get much lines and coloring its also hard
Ouch, that hurt me. But I can't give more of myself, so, I applaud you for the quality of your editing that I will never reach
Wow that's really good, great job
Both look good, but I think the right one look great.

I'm not really picky when it comes to the colouring, you are taking some of your time to do it so I can't really complain much.
Looks really good, thanks for doing them, do you mind if I give you some more drawing to color?
Thank you so much, she looks fantastic!
rather, thanks to you anons. despite the anonymity and that I only paint sketches or linearts, I feel better here
(210 KB, 1080x720, muffet.jpg)
Tried to do some colorization myself
(320 KB, 1024x768, 3 sin título_20220619193121.png)
I come back

I won't ask why. but they are almost the same images, only from another angle. neither will I ask what is the purpose of this and all the previous colored drawings


(kek) Nice ass on that pokemon thou

Ooohh mmm. Dang, nicki. That pokemon got a nice butt.
(672 KB, 1280x1230, 10 sin título_20220621133001.png)
I forgot upload this, but I added shading to Isabelle. I hope I don't have to color Crow or Colonel Ruffs
Wow she looks amazing, many thanks indeed
Anyone wanna color this for me? I don’t care what color you make the pump or the balloon
I will try the best possible. I think I'll have to reline the drawing
oh hey it’s my commission

will say if you use it, ignore the robo arm, i only really gave her that cause she was gonna have one in lycanthorn 3
Thanks, they look fantastic!
Color anon, please bless me by reading this
Here you go my friend hope you enjoy
Sorry didn’t send in the first post
Thanks, is there a bigger pic? it's a bit small
Um I don’t know here I send it again and see
(449 KB, 2048x1884, IMG_0773.jpg)
Is this better
Thanks, she's prefect and have a nice day
Good bless you

Muchas gracias~
It might be selfish, but I'll just bump two of my request
Great job! Thank you so much!
Thank you! Much appreciated!
I take it!
She's amazing, thanks a ton!
Wait, the pokemon was female?
God, I'm scared to see so much Animal Crossing stuff. And I don't even know where all that shit comes from
Great job! Thanks
The only note I have is that the tip of her hands are pink. Same pink as her cheeks.
Another bump of this
Why do you not want to do it? You've colored an Alphys pic before
(202 KB, 1184x1004, Illustration2.png)
wanted to give it a try
sketch was too messy to follow so it might look odd


don't come here trying to start some shit off, she's 18 through most of the anime
it looks amazing, thank you!
(200 KB, 861x1029, 20220806_204900.png)
Can someone color this Crash 4 Tawna, thanks.
Just a repost in the hope someone will color it
Better With Salt monthly sketches a while back
Tawna from Better With Salt
You are realizing through your desiring to have sexual desires toward characterized animals that you are more compatible with the idea of having sex with an animal than you are with having sex with human beings. This means you are realizing this is not normal. This means you are realizing your insanely unhealed trauma that has made you feel so worthless that you are not worthy of having romance with another human. This means you do not understand romance. This means you are realizing you do not understand sex. This means you are assuming you are a sexual being because you enjoy getting off, but you are realizing sex has nothing to do with animals. This means you are realizing animals do not have sex but breed and human beings have sex for intimacy. This means you are realizing there is a difference between animals that breed and humans that connect. This means you are realizing you cannot connect with human beings and thus feel more compatible with the sexual desires that animals are compatible with being. This means you are realizing you believe you are more of an animal than a civilized human being. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between sexualizing fat women and sexualizing animals as fat beings. This means you are realizing you are on a website for bbws and have created threads for furries as if you believe the two coexist. This means you are insanely unable to differentiate between human and beast. This means you are realizing you believe fat women to be that which are animalistic. This means you cannot tell the difference between the two. This means you are realizing you do not understand sex. This means you are realizing you believe women to be that which are animals. This means you are realizing you do not understand how to see women as human beings because you are not sexually compatible with having sex with humans. This means you are realizing you are severely considered for being killed off because you are too criminal in your desires to have sex with animals and consider women to be that which are also compatible with animal sex. This means you are realizing you cannot tell the difference between intimacy and rape. This means you are realizing you desire circumstances of animalistic rape to honest forms of sexual connection. This means you are realizing you are not able to understand how to be a sexual being. This means you are realizing this type of content is not sexual. This means you are not sexually compatible to that which is sexual but that which is rape through control. This means you are realizing you feel so insecure in your powerlessness that you feel better about control than you do being vulnerably intimate. This means you are desirous of connections that you can control. This means you are realizing you are desirous of that which is animalistic due to your feeling superior to controlling beasts. This means you are realizing you desire control because you have lost control in your life so severely due to your unhealed abuse that you cannot understand how to have normal sex. This means you are the essence of control which is the essence of criminal sex. This means you are realizing sex can be criminally intended even if it seems consensual. This means you are realizing you can be raping those you are having sex with even if that person consented to you doing so by your intentions to get off believing you are in control. This means you are realizing you have been normalizing rape in these means by getting off to characters who are animals and inflated in unnatural means. This means you get off to the ideas of force, as inflation is not natural. This means you get off to the ideas of control through force and manipulation. This is the intentions of rape. This means you get off to disguised forms of rape cultures. This means you are realizing you are being killed of your insanity as you read this because you are realizing you are a being of rape more than a being of sexuality. This means you are realizing that rape is not sexual. This means you are realizing rape is criminal. This means you are realizing sex is not criminal. This means you are realizing the same act can occur and be considered different actions. This means you are realizing penetration can happen through genitalia and it can be considered sexual or raping. This means you are realizing rape is not a form of sex and sex is not compatible with crime. This means you are realizing the intentions of your insane desires to masturbate to animals who are inflated and humanized through cartoonization. This means you are severely underdeveloped in your retardation as you realize you are not that which you've believed yourself to be. This means you are realizing you have been made to feel so powerless in your life that you have taken out that powerlessness by adopting desires of rape. This means you are realizing you are controlling your raping tendencies in these forms that have been normalized by those who are too insanely retarded in their understanding of normalized sexual practices that they cannot tell the difference between consensual romance and rape.
This is not a sexual type of drawing. This is a drawing of somebody's inability to heal their trauma and thus desire to draw their need for control. This means you are realizing believing you are sexual because you enjoy inflation of animalized humans is insanity. This means you are realizing you are going insane. This means you are realizing you are a being of rape. This means you are realizing you are controlling that which you believe is romantic. This means you are realizing you do not create these cartoons of sexy animals because you enjoy it for any reason other than your desire to get off to the idea of controlling it. This means you are realizing you are more compatible with the idea of being with a fake animalhuman that is inflated and thus impossible to reality than you are with human beings. This means you cannot tell the difference between being compatible with animals and being compatible with intimate relationships. This means you are realizing you've normalized sex to be controlling. This means you are realizing you are compatible with control which is compatible with forms of rape than you are romance. This means you are realizing romance is the essence of sexual interactions and you feel incompatible to this due to you being needing of control. This means you are realizing you cannot control those you believe are incompatible with your desire to be that which needs superiority over them as if they are your pet animal that you abuse on purpose. This means you are realizing you desire to be with animals. This means you believe you are more compatible with situations of abusive force than you are with compatible romance. This means you are realizing it is not romantic to want to change the shape of the person you desire to be with sexually. This means you are realizing it is not sexually compatible with romance to be desirous of inflation. This means you are realizing you have desired an act used for inanimate objects as that which can be used unnaturally on animalhuman creations. This means you desire force. This means you are realizing that inflation is the desire to force that which is inanimate to inflate into a fuller size. This means you are realizing your desire for inflation is desire for a sexual partner that is as dead as an inanimate object. This means you are realizing you are desiring force through multiple means when you sexualize the drawing of inflated animalhumans. This means you are too incompatible with reality to be sexual and thus have become a creature of retardation. This means you are realizing your sexual beliefs are creaturous. This means you are realizing you are not human in your getting off sexually. This means you are not compatible with human beingness when it comes to your sexual desires. This means you would prefer to have sex with inanimate objects or animals. This means you do not understand sex. This means you are realizing the essence of your desire is not to be sexual but to be in control of your insecurity. This means you have been made to feel so insecure by those who overpowered you to do as they say, or they will threaten to kill you when you were a child that this is your form of healing that lost power. This means you are realizing your sexual retardation is due to your unhealed trauma from your parental abuse you experienced. This means you bring your parents into the bedroom with you when you masturbate to rape culture intentions such as force. This means you are realizing you are not compatible with having sex with humans because you are not compatible with intimacy. This means you have become so harmed in your traumas that you have not understood why intimacy of being vulnerable is too threatening and thus you must hide your fear of shame behind means of unnatural control. This means you are realizing your desire for sex is not sex but is desirous of controlling that which is unrealistic. This means you are so detached from reality that you cannot have normal sexual connections. This means you are realizing you are not that which is evolutionary equipped. This means you are realizing why you suddenly feel like you cannot understand your desires. This means you are realizing you are having this ripped from you because it needs to die if your insanity is going to lessen. This means you are insane to desire these sexual acts and thus are becoming killed in that insanity to become less insane. This means you are realizing you need to become saner if you are going to survive the new world of sanity. This means you are realizing who I am. This means you are realizing I Am God. This means you are realizing if you've known Britt around the BBW community, you've been too insane to recognize her difference to those you've considered other fanmodels. This means you are realizing you are not understanding that which is truth from deception. This is the essence of your sexual desires turned criminal. This means you are realizing your desire to inflate animals and sexually abuse them in these ways depicted in this photo is criminal. This means you are realizing your sexual intentions are compatible with criminal behaviors of force and control. This means you are realizing you are a sex predator of crime.
Sidenote, I have to wonderhow many people who draw Mei like that have actually played Night in the Woods.
Why you say it?
great job. never enough fat mae!
You're welcome I just made the pics white to make it easier for someone to color, I'm not that good at coloring but I might have a go at it.
That looks great! Thanks!
does anyone have an OC?
(8.1 MB, 3900x4100, 4chan color copia.png)
I hope you like it, I'm still practicing my handling of lights and shadows so I made you 2 versions, tell me which one you liked the most

I will send it separately, apparently the image is very heavy
Nice work. I'll probably pick up some requests
(1.0 MB, 2500x2000, lynx.png)
one question, what is the name of the artist who made the lynx?
This looks fantastic! I prefer the one without the shadows and lights
(540 KB, 1800x1200, honeybun.png) (213 KB, 400x400, Honey_the_Cat.png)
Preferably with a full yellow furred belly and black underwear with the little bow on the front being red.
(505 KB, 3168x3172, Fat Peg Pete Colored.png)
>>20737 Never mind guys. I went ahead and did it myself. I hope you guys like it and that I did a good job on it. I used the program "Paint 3D" to color it in.
Thank you so much!
(648 KB, 1200x1200, spyro flat color.png) (1.1 MB, 1200x1200, spyro.png)
I had a lot of fun doing this, I hope you like the result <3 . i love fat spyro so much
I hope you don't mind that I got very excited and modified the original sketch, I imagined myself hitting those huge buttocks
Holy shit, this so well done! I wasn’t expecting a full on remaster of the original sketch, Thank you so much!
God, You make high quality colored. you even do lineart to the sketch? I am very impressed with your work and your free time
Oh cool
You... Fucking poor (it's joke)
sorry to bother,but sauce on the colored art?
It haven't been uploaded, but it was drawn by @vitlut2 on Twitter
(1.9 MB, 2400x1452, isabelle.png)
mi version, I had a lot of fun doing this, I hope you like it
Made it easier
CN You Color It Now?
Can You Color It Now?
I just made it easier for someone to color it, I'm not that good at coloring stuff.
calm down anon, everything takes time~♪
Ok I’ll Wait!
(2.2 MB, 3000x2030, 7F1A9B84-122F-44A7-AED5-3B80C32C7A83.png)
Can someone please color this blob
/slob isabelle from animal crossing? the creator forgot to implement color and areola for her breasts, would appreciate if anyone tries
thank you, but if it's not too much trouble can you make her bra and mawashi green as in the next image
yeah thank you so much, i think she looks better in green
Requesting this

I'm sorry I can't help you, apparently this place was destroyed, I don't understand why they would do something like that

send the drawing you wanted a colored one
I like that you've added in a few more details to highlight her fatness.
Solid gold here!
I really want this to be done
anyone doing this in the next thread?
>>13502 (OP)
>draw and edit threads got bumped off the catalog
Soyaktards, just saying. Besides, this thread's bumplocked
(2.5 MB, 1065x1036, 1545538463.darcell1291_goruchi_balance.png) (101 KB, 1280x777, 1525717487.ultrafirm_fygar_8.png)
First one is an Anubis so use a black color scheme with maybe a lighter shade for the belly and soles, second one has the attached color scheme for a snake, third one is loch ness and I've attached a picture with a similar color scheme (only don't have the yellow belly, the green color and the lighter shaded soles is the important detail) and 4th one is whatever colors best matches a dragon

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