
Post what ever you want that you want to be edited :)
(365 KB, 1165x1324, 1520552331404.png) (76 KB, 1024x584, ocr.jpg)
Please make Nick as thicc as Falco. As a bonus, just a little bit of chub to the arms chest and face.
(283 KB, 400x558, 66fa7c34045bc77b4c54b3568745815c29439fb4e1c75d567855400a94c514ea.png) (66 KB, 250x311, d890c1fd6eeed04adbfd0735538679f82b48565c3f19ecf5c431e7951bee2ab0.png) (213 KB, 800x600, c8f8bb5580317bec743d1283fb3e3041f6e7ac9059b54325b91e3a19c6bb1b12.jpg)
I mentioned this somewhat early in the last edit thread, but nobody ever got around to it. Which is okay, but I might as well ask again here.

I'd really like to see an edit of Cassie, from Dragon Tales, made to be as fat as she feasibly can be.

I'm not picky about details! I just want to see the character being made as obese as possible. Like, screen filling, if not more- as much as the image will allow.

Thank you!
(341 KB, 1099x1235, ZavSDSD4.jpg) (335 KB, 1040x1249, ZavSDSD3.jpg) (248 KB, 970x1170, ZavSDSD2.jpg)
I did this.
After the championship, zabivaka started to gain weight.
Not appearing in this 2022, just did it to eat more.
Zabivaka's time has passed
In his past he was an athlete, today he is an obese boy with anxiety problems
Why make them small when you can just make the belly bigger instead?
That works too, but I just think Blaze works better with a smaller chest (at least compared to the rest of her body)
(1.1 MB, 2200x1600, 4217968.png) (1.5 MB, 2000x2969, 429673.png)
Can someone edit pink stick bitch into a fatty? Or give the 2nd picture a fatter body to match the breasts
>>13296 (OP)
I say your colorization in the /trash/ thread! Troll your friend
Haha, thanks for the good vibes, man.
Just wanted to say, I'm absolutely nutty about fat edits. So if you see a lot of posts of this pink dragon or especially her blue sister, it's because folks here and on /trash/ make some amazing edits. I can't wait to see the next batch of edits you guys will make. Much love.
(341 KB, 904x1280, D2A47487-4C06-43AA-9F99-F7D08430D97F.jpeg) (80 KB, 680x624, 7FB847B6-9EC0-4FA5-BFCF-CDB0C03324BF.jpeg) (84 KB, 873x631, 96D78278-BDAC-47F8-8BB6-8E29AC58FC6B.jpeg) (171 KB, 873x1005, ADA192B7-7FB8-4979-9284-F80DC34ADF37.jpeg) (704 KB, 877x1280, 33D5F6D1-B293-4DC8-B62B-7840788B35F4.jpeg) (238 KB, 870x1280, CDF319FA-AD6D-49CD-9311-17D88AA60544.jpeg)
>>13296 (OP)
Requesting fat edits of this thin chicks to be as fat as these fat chicks.
Put your deliveries here
Attaching my submission from earlier, edit either image to fatten Lilly "stickbitch" the dragon over here, as much as you like.
This is my buddy's character, he got a weird edit for me, so I'm hoping to give him a taste of his own medicine :]
>>13296 (OP)
Could you get rid of haru's muscles and make her really fat and keep her breasts
(91 KB, 873x544, 9BD387A9-A06A-4A68-8C6D-B6E6BC1669F1.jpeg) (968 KB, 3844x4051, 21237686-3393-426B-9982-252B4EC41C17.jpeg) (57 KB, 651x492, B856F5EF-AD53-47BF-9F26-A5AA325C9C7E.jpeg)
Requesting a fat edit of this polar bear gal to be obese like the delivery hear but strongfat with visible musculature though she has a double chin ,a big juicy taught beer (bear?) gut and softer features. Though with a little Ashley Graham face thing where it’s still quite built and featured without getting *too* lost in the softness. Maybe expand the muscles out to make them more defined against the lard butt make her look quite obese and chub up her cheeks a bit flavour text would be nice
take this as a resource
(Spoilered images as references)
(4.1 MB, 2048x2333, D27C0305-4E76-41D7-A617-CFCDFDC09464.png)
It was drawn by somebody in the /feed/ thread on /trash/ I don't think they dropped any socials so next time the thread opens up, maybe try and ask who made the picture. That's all I know though, sorry.
(1.7 MB, 1670x1280, 2022.03.25 Peanut Butter Craving.png)
This Flora needs to get fat from eating peanut butter, so I want her to get bigger. In this case, make her belly big and soft. Just what I want.
(1.1 MB, 2040x1451, image_2022-04-19_130838259.png)
Bumping this to edit something. I want Judy's body to be more like she is in this picture, if possible (Not necessarily as fat, just bigger legs and smaller belly than Haru)
(71 KB, 972x1063, FDL9wQ6aUAIJ26C.png)
here's a censored lineart of mismagius

the artist just used the erase tool to censor it and there isn't any uncensored on their pixiv or fantia

anyone wanna recomplete this please?
>>14073 I'm bumping this request because no one makes and edit of this yet.
>>13518 Heya, just letting you know I could make Rarity's head sinking into her inflated body like that
Gonna have to make another reply. I meant make it in Source filmmaker. not edit it
(429 KB, 649x585, FilipIdleGif.gif) (135 KB, 1280x1015, 1649778771.cathythecactus_untitled113.jpg)
Unlike Kapi from Friday Night Funkin', there are some other anthropomorphic animal characters from FNF mods as well that were never been drawn or edited fat I ever. So, I have a request: I need Filip to be fattened, and that will be that.

This reference pic on the left needs to be edited, specifically.
(191 KB, 563x317, 20220414_145611.jpg)
I know it's a lot to ask, but PLEASE can someone fatten up Shirou? only with these features like a fat jowls and big cheeks PLEASE
(2.3 MB, 2100x1158, haruedit.png)
>>13296 (OP)
wanted to see this myself so much I did it myself but it was honestly pretty hard without the original pic available
(103 KB, 827x1169, FRJEl85WYAQklA2.jpg)
I see an opportunity for some plumping up, would anyone be willing to chonk her up a bit? The dress is on it's last legs anyway XD
There is a colour thread on here for us furrys you know.
(2.1 MB, 5435x5433, 5569553116667807ac16d1303aa9a1f2ce4bf65a728c452a8fb384aa2de7f331.jpg) (961 KB, 3300x5100, 2522fd2ecfe9654f26430eb4d66e9bb063719348a8474755e573f30fd675e9cd.jpg) (155 KB, 1197x1489, c2ea21784357fa41ac95ccaed4e1fb4c25b924588f666aa488494c8538c5692f.jpg) (1.7 MB, 5300x5100, 460546155187224326569e0630ba50b4c2de49ee92aaaa8437e99679ba02fd2d.jpg) (826 KB, 2532x3323, b18aad1b8209e406a418470ae3c492eebed939f78927eedb083b187eafe7d5b3.jpg) (725 KB, 3300x5100, c6c81fb3ccde49c0f371ae0468e41aa65dce848aa33c8a0766a3e170f4ef93b8.jpg)
Any way someone can make a (nude for clothed one) blueberry edit of any number of these, just remove anything extra, maybe add juice leakage and make her bigger if you can? If you can't that's fine.
Thank you.
Should probably add by anything extra I mean the saliva and such in the third image and stains in the last, you don't need to worry about the background either.
(9.9 MB, 2268x2854, B911787B-C8C5-4B37-AC4B-7D4D120DB813.png)
I have an request for these two images regarding Lola Bunny in one of them.
In this picture, can someone edit Lola Bunny’s stomach round and have it be five times as her body? But too big though.
If anyone can’t do it, it’s understandable.
(4.1 MB, 3150x2850, IMG_0851.jpg)
Adding this reply from another anon on /trash/ to my previous request since I got this new image of my bestie's sona looking a little chubby, could still use an edit to make her fatter.

Requesting a belly/fatter edit of this picture. Give her a giant belly and chub up the rest, fat face and everything.
Full res: full res: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/842124249619234826/968790237339844639/IMG_0851.png
(159 KB, 1300x1600, D571F418-18EF-4382-BEE9-25A64A436C77.jpeg) (100 KB, 752x1063, 043375B2-8EA6-4D44-B089-3FCA2F9D0FDA.jpeg) (116 KB, 1077x742, D72FA7CD-3435-40AA-8DBD-A653516F33ED.jpeg) (1.6 MB, 750x1280, F5D28DB8-BCA2-4A1E-8A15-5DBD9C993224.png) (55 KB, 680x524, AD2DB396-0E03-4CD9-8556-76B0B4CE7C17.jpeg) (1.3 MB, 2280x1147, 8FF1B509-AB8F-46BD-919B-C0D577A6BE60.png)
Not to be greedy but Requesting to fatten up these muscle girls to be as fat as the spoilered images.
Not to be THAT guy, but could some requests be done first before leaving more requests.
Is a week or so long enough before quoting a request that hasn't been tackled yet?
Woah, nice submissions MSLY, I'm new here and dunno who you are, but that's some pretty good work.
(798 KB, 1528x1222, 2020.08.04 CHOCOLATE (1).png) (882 KB, 1339x1280, 2020.04.14 Flora Against the Glass.png) (643 KB, 1326x1271, 2019.05.26 Kat Against the Glass.png) (363 KB, 804x1228, 2019.07.19 Kathrin's Introduction (Kat Only) (1).png)
Hey, MSLY, I have some pics for you to edit:

1. Flora getting fat from chocolate, needs a soft fat belly. Also, she makes a chocolatey mess all over her face.

2. Flora and Kathrin pressing their fat bellies and breasts against the glass.

3. Kathrin needs an obese look on her physique.

(478 KB, 2277x2816, 04476412-DDF7-4036-BBE9-7045A0041128.jpeg) (294 KB, 2580x3264, 0EA2CAA6-527A-4C91-9014-DE9986710D87.jpeg) (594 KB, 1707x2161, 8EE7986A-10BF-4188-8B8A-F059FC522C27.jpeg)
>>13743 requesting to fatten up this Santa girl to be more “accurately” proportioned. Make her gut bloat out of her suit with meaty arms and milk rolling down her chins. Use the Octavia image as reference.
Also MSLY,I enjoy,I enjoy the piece very much but not to be rude or disrespectful,but it is a little thinner than the reference image given,here is a diagram to be used as suggestion if you or someone else chooses to edit your edit to make the Luxray even fatter. Just a suggestion.
Fuck yes! Thank you!
It’s really well done,MSLY knocked it out here. Though I wish he made her belly a little bigger.
(1.1 MB, 1333x2000, 89E83347-1DE1-4E8C-AC95-E5229B8D64BF.jpeg) (1.7 MB, 1333x2000, 4C8AEC98-B49D-454F-A260-BCFFD80134C4.png) (2.2 MB, 1333x2000, 84B6E4A8-55D7-41AD-A1A2-404EA156B6F7.png) (519 KB, 1279x1280, 55DDCA96-9327-47FA-AF4B-4A34E49E3EB6.jpeg)
https://bbw-chan.nl/bbfurries/res/8149.html#q9563 reqeusting a secondary fat edit to increase her mass proportionally as from the original to the fattend one use the bat as a reference and make a nude version of you want.
(666 KB, 971x1280, 339CB2C9-D233-43A6-A894-C1DE52D719C9.png) (53 KB, 274x435, 1592A671-FBCF-43BA-9A00-8454D265B636.png)
If you want to make her bigger make her bigger. Double chin, plumper all over. There is also (or alternatively) the spoiler’d which is the in-game sprite if you want more of a direct challenge given the simplicity of the art style it is. That one could benefit from being generally chubbier like image 1 already is. Your choice at the end.

Image 1 Source: ToxicToby (Furaffinity)

Image 2: Night in The Woods (Game)
Going to bump this assuming no-one is working on this already.

I never thought... I'd see the day... that I'll be able to see... a fatty, chunky wyntersun's fate valentine

You my friend, deserve a cudos, hope to see more fatty edits of fate valentine >:3

You know, seeing as how someone made a nude version of the previous fatty edit of fate valentine, I wonder if someone can make a nude version of THIS fatty edit of fate valentine >:3
You know what? I'm bumping this request.
(2.0 MB, 1204x1600, 2019.01.06 Irrational Nightmare (1).png) (65 KB, 823x1107, 20220512_231839.jpg)
This one here is a request to make Flora''s boobs bigger like the reference image. Also, add a big belly, big booty, thick thighs, and slightly thick arms. In addition to this, remove the underwear, change the dialogue, and make her slap that tummy!
Right, I forgot how much shading that picture had, that's definitely a little complex.
uhh.. I guess I'll also take a redraw if that's more your thing.
(206 KB, 1169x1280, 443990F2-1D46-4347-BBE2-FFA841FF73CF.jpeg) (175 KB, 853x1280, 29A72DF6-B552-4F4F-9E7D-8D0CB37B7228.jpeg) (203 KB, 962x1280, 74506D9A-2ADD-4EED-BFBF-49E7F025B429.jpeg) (202 KB, 1280x1280, 5CA1BCB9-6BEE-48FD-8D78-8D5E936D62BE.jpeg) (168 KB, 1030x1280, 4ED9B835-1874-43F6-B468-49357C2E006C.jpeg) (171 KB, 1280x840, A64D39B4-E217-4EB8-AB76-D17AD9E5406A.jpeg)
https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/ironwolf85/folder/138080/Adventures-of-Iva-Robotnik/ this is supposed to be robotnik. Requesting a fat edit to make her more “egg shaped”
(431 KB, 1280x989, 24BE85E8-42BF-47A0-A9DC-6DD0AC2C9788.png) (422 KB, 1280x989, 5E1DAC84-0091-4F0A-97F7-53243FA0694B.png) (1.8 MB, 1280x2583, 20A56DE9-95A6-4F6B-875E-AAA091DC7670.png)
>>13743 sorry to double post but this was just bothering me. Requesting
Can anyone make the Doberman on the right have a fatter face,arms,butt,and legs to match her gut? Also please make it feel more connected than just gluing a sphere onto her https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25100793/https://www.furaffinity.net/view/25954902/ for HQ sources

And just like that, you are now one of my new favorite art editors XDDDD
(206 KB, 450x904, 2018.10.15 [Ivory-Raven] Twokinds_ Flora.png)
I'd like a Flora to have an obese look on her physique. She needs an excessively huge, sagging, and flabby belly, and overflowing boobs, if possible. 🤗
These results were a success! 😃
Also I suggest you stop Namefagging,it’s kinda annoying
(261 KB, 870x919, 90199438-73FC-483A-8E30-A22CB6EC493E.jpeg) (252 KB, 1048x1280, C66BBEF2-D500-4DBB-86A7-9E31E3EB7E81.jpeg) (238 KB, 1280x1147, 3357696A-851A-4A5A-83D5-0C6EA75F398F.jpeg) (520 KB, 1340x1657, 44B95498-1627-45EE-8A5A-D77E440568F5.png) (890 KB, 2097x2380, 3D8216EC-1999-4FEB-A4A8-F4E7BBE251A7.png) (648 KB, 1706x1488, 2641B9D2-B263-4B07-B245-3E693443D8C6.png)
Requesting to fatten these Fiona Fawnbags. Art of a character with a canon sweetooth
Any wips?
Hope bump
(195 KB, 1000x1000, 84683.png) (2.3 MB, 9033x3437, 1043126.png)
Requesting the mares on the left replaced by the ones on the right:
Cerulean (u.l.) - amber (5.);
White (u.r.) - turquoise (7.);
Pink (m.l.) - amarath (6.);
Orange (m.r.) - blue (3.);
Purple (d.l.) - purple (2.);
Yellow (d.r.) - yellow (3.)
While I like a lot of the edit request ideas, I would like to see this on done. Especially Tigress
(330 KB, 3461x1966, FTi7o1XXsAACvYf.jpeg)
Requesting a removal of the giant slime person and his dialogue box
Not OR, but thank you for your contributions to this thread!
OMG! thank you so much 😁 MSLY!
I shall give you a six thumbs up for this!
Nice,good job! Love the dedication!
The fridge one is the best of your really with all the details,I just wish the limbs and shoulders sould be fattened up a bit more but great overall!
Like the neck and arms here still look a bit thin compared to the body otherwise nice shading!
Bumping this request.
(1.2 MB, 991x926, bowz.png)
Would someone terribly mind turning this Bowser into a girls? Just needs tits, but if you could add panties as well, I'd be super grateful.
(2.5 MB, 2477x2146, 2317960.png) (2.7 MB, 2477x2146, 2317961.png)
Requesting a fat edit of either version of this picture, whichever you prefer. Feel free to reply with size suggestions.
I'm trying to get as many edits of this picture as I can, so far I've gotten a pregnant and huge lipped version. Let's see if anyone's down to make a fat version.
(1.1 MB, 1031x1280, 2021.07.01 Proto-Flora.png)
Can I have Kaylia fattened?
As always, give her a big, fat, soft body.
Hopefully I would like to see it done.
(1.1 MB, 2358x2508, Chunky!.png)
Decided to make a slight edit of this edit, tried to add a bit of highlight. Sorry if this edit is not that great.
>>15992 I personally think that the worst content on this site is the drawn art. I find it much more uninspired than the onlyfans models content.
Going to bump this request of mine one last time, assuming this can be done. If not that's fine, this will be the last bump of this.
Please excuse my I have autism.
(1.8 MB, 991x1461, DCF48107-95A6-4CCE-841D-589D6D8E5BE4.png) (187 KB, 1571x927, B8E7BBAC-2FAA-4F43-A884-CAF2E06ADD28.jpeg) (989 KB, 1333x1000, 62A306D9-0FD6-4172-8153-EDAA84FC6568.jpeg) (1.1 MB, 1333x1000, AFC21D49-8A9B-4C06-92C3-DD0185ADB2BE.jpeg)
Requesting a sequel(or fat edit preferably) to this weight swap image where the deflated victim (who has that husk asthetic but is also 450+ sbbw big gut triple chin etc) is fattened up by the vampire (who is also extremely obese) to be used as “live stock”
Does anyone know who made that before and after picture of a wolf girl on a swimsuit? It was a before and after. There were a lot of great pictures in that thread, including the sort of fattening up of a goat girl, from muscular to editing fat over those muscles. Sadly, the thread where those edits I saw from was deleted and cant be found.
Excuse my poor grammar...
Thank you for that link, still looking for the other "After" pics of the goat gal though, thank you.
Wow, thank you very much! I'm very grateful that even in communities like this, there are helpful people like you! Thank you!
It’s a real shame the thread wasn’t archived there was a really good Ritts one where a lioness was fattened up I would like to see if someone still has it.
Nice to know you’re still lurking in this thread dude,are you looking at any requests atm? You’re the best none the less.
Should I or someone else reupload undelivered requests?
Soon ish, there's some other work I need to get done first
Honestly you have done such an amazing job with these edits
Real life comes first, I'm thankful for considering doing these in the first place. Hope everything's going well in your part of the world.
for you considering doing these in the first place*
writing is hard
(301 KB, 1830x2048, 4F826E9D-C42E-4AB8-8462-1239CC84AEF3.jpeg) (118 KB, 857x900, FBE21FF6-ADEB-4C0B-B591-8E12EAA2E0EB.jpeg) (125 KB, 900x616, 5BB72938-09C5-48DF-953A-54C218BDC6EE.jpeg) (158 KB, 900x766, FA9A245C-88A7-417F-B2E0-7C8FA0E2FA2B.jpeg) (87 KB, 900x663, DC0855CC-6EDC-4551-B518-001B0A3F73EA.jpeg)
Requesting to make milkshake/Mira, the character on the left,as fat as the character on the right!
I also archived the thread!https://archive.ph/i26UN>>13743

Oh what I'd do for more fat edits of Fate valentine UwU
Thank you. Thank you.
It’s qn astounding amount of care from you.
Personally I would like it is someone made her fatter again like the last time.
Neat! Could ya maker her a bit fatter aswell?

May god bless you with many fat, dummy thicc, and loving GFs, thank you
A better edit could be done this was amateur hour really. Moreso a blueprint.

Hehe, while it is a little rough around the edges, it's still a decently made edit, so my thank you still stands XDDDD

This has been edited probably five times.
(2.8 MB, 3648x5464, 7623548.png)
I wanted to wait a little longer before posting another request, but someone on /trash/ suggested I do, soooo..
Requesting a fat edit of my OC, chub up her everything in this picture. Make her morbiously morbese. (Whatever size you want.)
Twice so far,third times the charm?
these are amazing, this is what she shoudl canonically look like idc, all she does is stuff her face its about time it went to her body ^^
dare i ask for more xD
theres plenty of source to wrok with x3
(5.5 MB, 5120x2456, 1654566735.duase_060622.png)
Can someone please remove the vore aspects of this pic and just make her look slightly fatter? Also I would greatly appreciate a textless version too
(825 KB, 1247x1080, Julia.png)
Requesting for someone to turn Julia from that Binky and the Brain reboot into a big ass BBW
Holy shit, you guys work way faster than the guys in the vanilla edit thread thanks for this
Your work is getting better! Or maybe it's the simple art style?
Anyone here got a discord?

Asking as I want to privately ask for some request pics
Privately? Are you not comfortable sharing your stuff here?
Yea, don't wanna have my oc taken and stuff
Oh that's a shame. I would love to see the edits Aswell! Maybe send me over your discord?
Could you send your tag, so I can add you

All I can tell you is my tag number, that being #3387, so send yours
>Nature: sexy
>Kalorie Region
>fat status effect

got a chuckle out of me
Since it’s been some time, would anyone be interested?
(2.4 MB, 1000x1300, IMG_8391.PNG) (2.1 MB, 1000x1300, IMG_8392.PNG)
Can someone edit out the white part of her top to give her underboob
If Anyone is up to do some request/edits for me, please reply with your discord tag

I thought I'd give this a boost.

Would love to see her expanded but I'm unsure if maybe she's too difficult or if there is just no interest?
Hope to see the edit happen, I'd be grateful!
>I'm unsure if maybe she's too difficult
might not be seen as worth the effort because the requested image seems to be a significantly different pose from the reference
I know it's been a while, but I'll do this. Do the best I can anyway.

I figured the reference image was more for size to avoid the whole "make it bigger" situation.

I can see if I can find a better reference image, sorry about that.
Holy SHIT, anon, these are absolutely incredible edits
Bless your souls, furry board edit anons
The inherent arts type was rather crude and simple. So it’s not hard to edit it.
Nice art
Vacation, buddy.
I'll work soon. :)
Alright. I'll look forward to it.
When I see the results of edits being done, I will be very happy.
(738 KB, 1196x998, legoshi1.png)
Could someone make his belly bigger?
Thought I'd try this again, someone told me my reference image was not that good.

I was hoping to get an edit for this cat similar to this blaziken, please.

The size doesn't need to be exact, just seeing her fattened is good enough.
On one or both?
(947 KB, 2142x2405, 0F3334FA-B3D9-4FE1-B98E-6E64CC48A71F.png)
Could someone plumpen the arms of this Soft-Art Piece please? You are free to give the neck and face the same or to any other plumping liberty as long as things do not change too drastically, but the arms to match the distribution of the legs, chest, and stomach is all I want at the end of the day. Unrelated Positivity: I love how the outfit compliments her thighs and belly.
Not the OR but to me this was done amazingly.
did dobson become a train? what a time to be alive.
No,just Alogging and Carnival. but I wouldn't doubt it.
Alright been about two months. Apologies if the edit request isn't quoted when this posts so I'm reposting here. I would like to see this image edited to have a rounder, fuller looking chloe all around, with particular emphasis the bottom half with the dress ripping going on. Close to frame filling at max size but even just a bit more plump will do.

(563 KB, 1280x832, kazecat_cheesecaker.jpg)
Can someone remove Amy & Rouge's pussies and asshole to make their butts look less "shallow" please?
(790 KB, 1024x1132, C13E4F58-0313-4B6A-9069-3C34747433FC.png)

My request would be for Carmelita Fox’s belly to be the size of a butterball.
Like the butterball-sized guts that Metalforever draws in their pictures when he draw certain characters from different shows & anime.
Call me pessimistic, but there's not that many editors around compared to previous threads, is there?

Ayo! Um... sauce on that fat as fuck eagle pic, please >:3
I lied, this will be the final bump of this, just let me know if this is feasible or not.
>>17630 Bro why can't you do that yourself that's like the easiest shit ever
Because I've got limited access to things, mostly on mobile. Plus, I don't know squat about photo shop.
Holy shit dude. No wonder this site fucking sucks

Do you know what a laptop is? Do you have a laptop? There are also plenty of paint apps on android and ios
It was a simple request and you're taking it this seriously? I'm what's wrong with this site? Have you looked in the mirror? I didnt ask for complete image changes or a whole new image to be created, just swap some colors around. Sorry I'm tech illiterate, your majesty.
>>17638 I'm the one exagerating? Don't be an asshole dude. That's all you had to do. It's too difficult for some people though. It's alright. I forgive you this time, jester. Don't let it happen again though, okay champ?

Btw, I was half joking about my previous post. Because I like to share with the commoners on occasion, that is why I responded to your post. I will now go tend to my bitches. If you'll excuse me
Good works as always, anon!
If the update ever sees the light of day and the pig girl comes out looking a little too skinny I know who to come to :)
>>17648 Lighr of day? You talking about dick again, anon?

anyone? please? qwq
I want to recreate this even bigger but I genuinely cannot get the style down as I have no clue how this was even made, either way its still amazing.
Also bump
Photoshop pencil tool.
Any specific settings? I still seem to be having trouble, then again maybe it's because I have to use smoothing to get non-shaky lines lol.
it's funny the fact that in this thread they ask for edits and that almost many send detailed images, which further complicates the editing of the same drawings, mostly to add fat or nude... And that less than half are fulfilled and bump them redraws are a separate issue...
Can you combine the original and remade versions of "High Calorie Valerie". "The Calorie Curse", "Life in The Fat Lane" "High Calorie Homecoming" & "Sink or Swimwear" by www.deviantart.com/fordstormcaller?

Here's some links.

https://www.deviantart.com/lordstormcaller/gallery/53955137/high calorie-valerie-1-0

>>17558 (Cross-thread)
(1.3 MB, 960x1280, 54C26B3C-A611-4538-BEC3-8038D1A3158A.png) (120 KB, 1200x675, 14C93674-C301-4900-8E16-44BF0BB8D8AC.jpeg)
Could someone please give a bigger belly to her? The arms and legs, I’d love to see the stomach expand into two folds as it already does somewhat, with the bottom one being round and expansive, going out sideways and forwards more. Kind of like the right spoilered reference but not as cartoonishly disproportionate/huge. Still dig it not insulting the work.

>>13296 (OP)
How the fuck is it that every /r/ I make ends up either finding its way here, getting co-opted by another anon, or both?
Coming right up, just give me some time
(148 KB, 1280x574, Obestars.jpg)
Could someone give them nipples and feet please?
Beautiful work, are you interested in any other requests?
I edit the ones that catch my attention, but show me some.
Maybe I'll edit one.
Well, I don't like bumping my requests, but I made these two a couple of months ago
And someone else requested >>17259 which is pretty similar.
Shading's prrrrobably bound to make them a little complex tho
(330 KB, 1433x2048, FY-cCRbXEAIo4yA.jpeg)
Can someone edit Digby into Isabelle? Like, change the fur color, turn the moobs into boobs, and remove the dick?
This is an absolute gem but I think she needs to be bigger
The last three images are references help to edit, by the way.
You get the idea.
(364 KB, 640x480, Callie Briggs Screenshot 9.png) (397 KB, 945x1280, Haley Drawing 1.jpg) (129 KB, 680x989, Haley Drawing 2.jpg)
>>19282 Here's one more screenshots of her as well to consider. Now if inflating her won't be possible then maybe perhaps can someone at least fatten her up until she is as fat as Haley from the comic "Haley: The Day in the Life" by Volkenfox in these panels from the comic shown here please? Thank you.
(1.6 MB, 1800x2400, 018CF573-33CE-4139-8B0B-AFE8D93D9B95.png)
Requesting Fara made way fatter all around, fat enough that Krystal is poking on her fat breast instead of simply pointing at her. Krystal can also be made fat as well but I first want a fat Fara and her being fatter than Krystal at least.
Meant to spoiler the 1st pic, I apologize, not going to delete again for a second time.
(1.5 MB, 6600x1900, amyroseinflation.png)
Can someone make her take off bra and panties to be naked, please?
Oh, i almost forgot, don't forget add nipples and pussy
>>13785 plumping this gem
(627 KB, 2816x4017, isathicc.jpg)
nude edit if someone would be so kind?
This thread is turning into a begging of drawings request. Almost yall are not asking for 'edits' anymore, just full on drawings.
Yeah it seems to be.
Dude only asked for a gut
Very nice but I also asked that Amy also have a fat belly
Yea I did only asked for bellies, though the thought of having their limbs thicker does sound kinda neat.
(1.4 MB, 1025x1660, Stripe_Kitties_Bump.png)
Requesting big, fat tummy on the girl. Bigger boobs and thiccer also appreciated.

Or just make her look more fat instead of pregnant.
yeah i really should've thought the resolution out a bit more before I made my request
i have a better image now but i dont think you'll want to waste time working on the same picture again
go ahead send it
Not OR, very nice work. Thank you for your contribution
this is great anon
thanks again for your time and effort!
Someone gonna make a new one?
Anyone home?

Did you find those edits? I hope I don't sound entitled or impatient...
Does anyone have archived links to other deleted Furry Edit Threads?

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