
(306 KB, 1924x1124, 1.jpg)
(201 KB, 1467x879, 2.jpg)
oh this seems fun
>>10536 (OP)
Thank you for sharing. I didn't know about this artist but they're an instant favourite! I can't believe how good they are damn. Some of these look like stills from an animation. If only there was a way to find all their stuff.
>>13110 where's the best place to keep up with MM's work? kinda tired of refreshing bbfurries lol
Join Twitter. It's where most artists hang out these days.
>Join Twitter
might as well convert to j*daism lmao
I hope they both end up obese
God damn thank you for this!
>asks for source
>on thread dedicated to ONE twitter artist
It’s GelatinGent
You’re a dumbass

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