
(137 KB, 640x480, Mnd+jK.png)
here's the link to the itch io page
>>10432 (OP)
while we're on the subject would like to humbly request smasher and the will o the thiccs hehe been wanting to try some of those new modded chars out
Eyyy thanks bro (and I will have a good coom)
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thanks for the link hey you don't know any custom sprite to use
does anyone have the game?
i wasnt able to get to the link in time could someone post another?
hey, I didn’t have time to download either, you can link to the mega
i dont have it they do. im actually curious why theres no mega link
bump for bug update
I swear, there is no coverage on this game. Was itjust quietly forgotten, or something?
I share these ones in another thread, I'm not sure where was it
Not sure, some people expressed that it was worse than the original somehow despite more content?
Overall it had more content, yes, but it just felt a bit thinner in each area you know? Like for example the fox doc had a ton more interactions in the original that were cut in the remake, and nothing similar was added in beyond just the expansion testing scene for her.

I get that for one dev this is still a pretty nice accomplishment regardless, cant deny that, but it's still the feeling I was left with after finishing it.
Does this game along with Digital Fur Below's Growth RPG have any anti piracy coding in place that could prevent people from downloading a free copy and could potentially mess someone's computer up? I liked the demo free/version but I don't want to pay for a fetish game.
I have no idea about the first one but I've had a copy since it was first leaked and it literally just werks like a standard RPGmaker game
Does anyone know what happens to Polly Pecker in the extended version. Please give a summary if you can.
I don’t want to buy the game, I just want to know what they do with this character in particular. Like, is she still doing cluckbangs with her husband?
I'm assuming you mean the chicken anthro? I'm pretty sure the part you're describing was cut. I think the only interaction with her in the extended version is an eating contest mini-game at the carnival location. I'm unaware of any other appearances she might have
Yes, that’s the one. The chicken anthro with the “champ” belt. They didn’t expand on her story or anything? Just relegated to mini game?
Yeah that's who I had in mind when writing >>16870. I've done multiple playthroughs and followed the included walkthrough (to try and ensure I didn't miss anything) after a blind run. She only seems to appear in the carnival minigame. I don't recall her saying anything substantially related to what you've mentioned regarding her backstory. I think the premise used in the expanded version is just that she 'eats a lot and is the reigning champion' or something, and you can challenge her. I haven't played the original so I don't know how prominent of a character she was, but I wouldn't consider her a major or minor character in the expanded version when compared to the interaction options others have (Dolly, TJ, Bonnie etc). I'm fairly certain this isn't unique to Polly, a lot of content was cut. For instance >>14420, the obese fox pharmacist apparently had a lot more interaction in the old version, which is a shame because she's one of the few characters that grew on me (pun unintended). It is what it is, I guess
Ah I see, that sucks. But at least I saved ten bucks
Do you get anything after beating her mini game?
An early game equippable but that's it
She also has dialogue in the extended version. I had a head canon that she was a deaf-mute that could just read other people’s body language and lips
The first sentence was supposed to be a question, excuse me.
Yeah, I barely remember the fox pharmacist myself, but she’s definitely more prominent that Polly Pecker, who is a blank slate comparatively. The reason I like this substantially minor character is because she’s adorable as all hell, gigantic body with a tiny face and meek mannerisms . Polly Pecker was essentially an optional boss who didn’t even speak. So if what you’re telling me is true then I’d like to write a fanon story for Polly Pecker using what you wrote, what I know from the original, what I can glean from the extended version, and every still image I can get of her. But later, I gotta go to work in the morning. If this fanon comes into conflict with anything from the games, please let me know. GN

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