
>>183521 No ass? This isn't booty, it's tits. Maybe you meant to type "No boobs", and I would've agreed, however that's only because my "big" is enormous and exagerated, but at least she's not like ugly or something. Thanks for the Tiktok content, guy.
who is this girl
>>183504 (OP)
the fuck are those actually her tits? never thought she's get them out
Not even a bbw and those tits ain't even big
I can point to any number of threads containing no BBWs. Oh and those are big tits in anyones language you spoilt child.
>>183504 (OP)
Not her tits in the second pic lol stop lying to people man
Very average tits. Not big at all
>>183844 Agreed. Their not big. Their are bigger than the average though. Big would be like talking about minimum a J cup, in my opinion.
Spoilt. J cups just aren't as common as you think.
We are not here for common shit. This is not an average porn board.
You're making my point for me faggot.
I don consider tits any smaller than a flesh bean bag to be big so I should take my meds? OK.
There’s a huge overlap between big tit lovers and chubby chasers mate.
More please

MAYBE .1% of women have tits that big without being superobese.
And I'm here or that. What of it?
You're like those retarded women who think a guy isn't tall unless he's 6'4 and up. Just stop talking man.
Correct me if I'm wrong but 6' 4" would be considered giantism, not tall. I guess it beats being short, but I would never want to be that tall. That's too much for me. I'd fuck a giant chick though no doubt.
spoken like a true manlet.
Not giantism but it's probably like in the top 2-3% of adult men globally. Only 15% of adult men are 6' and up, mind you.
Spoken like a true faglet
You're a fucking retard. 6'4 is tall but still something you'll see literally every day. I've got several guys in my family that tall. Then again in my country the average is 6'1, i'm not from a manlet nation.
Not really. Tall people are generally awkward and have more health issues on average and die sooner. And nature doesn't want tall people. Tall people are a tiny amount of the population of mankind.
Anyone who unironically says the term "manlet" is a faggot who spends too much time on incel bullshit.
LMAO, manlet cope
Even tho this girl is hot and has big tits she's not a BBW or has an OF or is selling anywhere else. You idiots see a bitch on Tiktok and just start a thread for no reason.
Don't like it? Fuck off. She's perfectly fappable to me and has big tits.
If all girls needed to be BBW's to be talked about here then there wouldn't be a separate board for talking about BBW's.
im thinking she posted that. I'm going to need her to explain it.
She loves the taste of cock?
Anon, this thread is going wildly off-topic with insults and shitposting, and a poster going by the moniker "Kingcel" put up a "men are stupid" quote with no proof that she was the one who did it.

I'm thinking it doesn't matter if she posted it or not. That this thread is going to go further to shit, and you might as well enjoy the ride.
It's wild to me how on a board about tits the conversation almost always at some point turns to men. Be it men's race, height, cock size, how strong they are, etc. This is the case on so many porn boards about women.
At this point the userbase of different image boards overlap each other so there is a big possibility that it's the same guys flinging shit on multiple sites.

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