
no face = no fap hate birds that do that shit to "protect their identity" smh lmao

You need a face to go along with the tiddies? What are you, a feminist? To scared to objectify someone who want's to be objectified?

Being attracted to the disembodied is kinda psychotic tho
Alright Dr. Freud excuse me while I jack off to these "disembodied" tits that are clearly attached to a body
I just checked, it works for me?

Keep getting turned on by headless simulacrums I'm sure it isn't at all indicative of your views of women generally.
lol is r/iamverysmart leaking again?
take a look at this faggot LMAOO
She deleted her reddit??
this dude thesaurus'd "Image" lmao
cope and seethe, faggot
judging by the other threads i coulda sworn this was a gay board my fault
>>182499 You don't have to apologize to anyone for being a black homosexual, brother. Be proud of what you are.

Remember that most of the users who post on the internet do so because they are consumed by anger and hatred. Most of what they speak in their day to day lives including off of the internet are lies fuled by an evil that consumes them. But people in general are not that way. Go outside and see that most people are much more pleasant, especially if you live at a distance from major cities. You will also find almost no attractive ladies there.... overall, and much much less boobage, but it is sure to be more peaceful there. If you've ever been to a night club, or bar, or even a strip club then you probably go there mainly for the pussy. You want to see the sexiest women in all the land. That's all well and good as long as there are no fights or shoot outs but even then you want to try to leave with old chick as soon as you can. The earlier the better. Make sure you park near a hotel and have emergency liqour bottles in the car so you don't have to drive anywhere. Time is crucial. You musn't let a second go by without that pussy being wet, you can't let it dry up for a single second. That's foolish. A portable stereo would be a game changer. Don't let others in the room because they will cock block you every single time. They say they're your friends until the day they get jealous over pussy. If you must then pay for a second room for them. A room that is far the fuck away. Once she accepts the invitation then you know she wants to be fucked so now all you have to do is not fuck up. If you ruin it for her she will not hesitate to leave. She will try to call somebody to pick her up or not give you any pussy. I've seen it happen but not to me because I don't make mistakes. Believe me if she wants the dick she will make sure to let you know one way or another. If she's nerdy she may be subtle about it. Talking, flirting, 1st base, there are many ways to know for sure that she wants the dick. If she has to spell it out for you and basicly scream it out infront of everyone that she wants you to put it up her butt, then by that point you've missed the queues. If theres a blonde one and a brunette one well then you have to make your mind up quick. If they are down for a threeway they will make it obvious to you and they will take control. Let them take you to Paris. Then when it was all over what I used to like to do was puff on a cigar and have a nice long laugh.
We got William Shakespeare in this bitch😂
who is reading all of this lol

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