
(36 KB, 800x600, 43b850b22a9fac3fe9a6d469eecaab064920886c02e9569fcd32985abb6877dd.jpg) (50 KB, 800x600, d713909f977a638e477840d4ee30d027f54818cabc8b6c23b320784a6ac490f3.jpg) (31 KB, 800x600, e514d9c84ad94dcea07234dc814c1a41c9610eb506e654f6f85fae13b11c5341.jpg)
Does anyone have the other angle to this vid: YUhSMGNITTZMeTlrWVhSaE1TNWpiMjl0WlhJdWNHRnlkSGt2WkdGMFlTOHhaUzlsTlM4eFpXVTFaalZpWXpRelkyRTNNbVl3WmpWbE4yUTBOR0UyTnpoak1EY3daVE5oWTJReE16STVOV05rWVRZMU56a3hNR1psTlRaak9USmxNRGcyTkdZNExtMDBkajltUFRnNU9EYzBPRGd3TFRneU5tRXROR1EyWlMwNVptVXlMVFV5TldKbFltRmlZVFppWWk1dE5IWT0=
Other angle wasn't posted to coomer yet
Has cassie ever done a B/G breastfeeding videos?
How can a woman be so fuck able damn
oh, look son, the placenta boys club is back in town! ok, let's hide the thread, all those weirdos are doomed
If you can't see past that and focus on those tits you really have no business being here.
>he keeps coming back to the thread to just complain about the thread
Anyone subscribed to her OF? Does it have a load of tit fucking vids once your in or do u then have to pay extra like all the other scammers?
unfortunately no and i hate it. She has huge tits and have never done a titsucking video.
Nah, she posts a titfuck scene at least every Tuesday and doesn't paywall content.
Only account I sub to once every 3 months and then I dl everything. She doesn't gate shit. 100% worth it. Solos, bg, titfucks and bjs all for the sub. Best chick on of hands down.
Some are addicted. It's all they do.
She's leaving her "man" for a walnut warrior
Allegedly. It's important to note that we've lost another one, boyos. and she was one of the good ones I will admit that this one hurt. Why couldn't it have been literaly any of the many models from booty? Show mercy. Is it confirmed that she is retiring though?
(7.8 MB, 404x720, 0cm0uqim.mp4)
They're trying to derail the thread with racebaiting, anon. Just ignore them.
I even urban dictionary’d that term and got nothing
Dude she works at a dispensary and she has or about to have 2 kids and a spouse who knows what the fuck he does but she probably makes more money from her onlyfans and camshows than she ever did going to work. She's not going anywhere.
Don't be mean to squirrels.
hows her pregnancy content?
lmao it's clearly just a term he made up to make fun of her stretchmarks. From what I can guess, a "walnut warrior" is someone who enjoys fucking someone who's stomach looks like a walnut.

I swore that I would never suck another dick again. I swore to her that hers would be the only dick I ever sucked. Such a cute face. The OF says something about b/g regularly or every month. I don't know how much it costs but those vids must be at least pretty good. Instead of another boyfriend she should find a girlfriend. A cute gf and them making love once a month with her husband filming instead of sticking his big hairy arms in the way of her boobs would be unrivaled. Boy oh boy do I love these cute models. So when they have big boobs it makes it more intense for me. The gf if she has small boobs can wear the strap on with a dildo size of her choosing. I have not to date seen her take even a finger for anal so she may not be into hardcore. Those boobs are plenty anyways, anything else is a bonus. It's difficult enough to find even a really cute white chick who is thin, which is of course my bare minimum. They are all either ugly, muscular (because they go to the gym), or married. A thin cute white chick wearing a strap-on dildo is one thing. A muscular white chick is not my sort of thing. I don't think they look ugly but it isn't my preference. I guess that means I'm into femdom but in actuality I am not the least bit submissive. So I am not sure.
I bet cassie is on this thread.
I almost guarantee she is and sees everything that's said about her. She has stretch marks because she's had two kids her having a hairy ass spouse that's a whole another story but I think they fit well with each other and know what each other's likes but he needs to fucking shave
stretch marks, two kids, hairy ass hubby or whatever else i'm ok with her huge milky boobs but not with these shit talkings on thread.
Hey guys can y’all keep y’all opinions to yourselfs, on her twitter the hate is really affecting her so can y’all chill b4 y’all ruin it
Ruin what exactly? You have to have tuff skin to be in sex work tp thrive hell any business to thrive nowadays. So what she gets some criticism by the way she looks but that doesn't mean people don't think she's appealing. I mean when you have to kids people don't expect for your body to look awesome. Just ignore the criticism and keep doing what your doing and as long as people keep paying for it who cares
*insert "more please" picture here*

The comments I see on twitter are all pretty neutral or positive. She's pretty chill on streams and engages with people. It has to be in DM's but she can block that off and let people DM on OF or something.

for me personally, the pregnancies really took a hit on her body, and I am not a fan of them when I see older videos and see a more balanced body compared to the "leftover" belly she has now, which is getting worse with pregnancy two... but she can always opt for surgery...

If she feels its a bit too much she should take a break.. shes already making bank and has a fanbase that pays anyway. come back in a year or whatever when your body is in a better shape like other models did.
>>182946 That's interedting. Here I was hoping that she would get pregnant again, and not for the sake of standing out amongst her fanbase. Your comments are bothersome to me because I am huge on beauty. Since I was younger than young I've been, and as I grew up it turned into a hobby, and finally into a way to make a living. Take this bit of advice from someone who has been taught the "art of beauty" since before he could walk and try to be less decietful. I am probably the pickiest person in my family. I have seen these vain men date women that I would never even dream of putting my penis inside, certainly not for a one night stand. Even I would have no problem having sex with one of those midgets in the other boards or perhaps an older large woman with a huge Russian ass. This model is far more beautiful than you are implying, and you know what else? Walnuts are delicious. I would literally eat walnuts right out of her bootyhole if she begged me to and if she were my wife. You would probably never hear of it though because any real woman such as her would never kiss and tell, and that is what differientiates true beauty.
huuh, I am not sure what you are barking about for half your message but she did get pregnant again, and she does it because they (her and her fiance) want not because of her community and what they want lol.

I never talked about her beauty, she is a very beautiful girl and very unique. She's a no bullshit type, she tells it how it is, instead of faking shit, shes in my top 3 of all time, but I just voiced how some stuff bothers me. It doesn't stop me from paying, and enjoying her stuff, but some videos I dont like as much as before, simple as.

I'll just say this before it becomes too much clogging on a picture/video thread, she was always very secure of herself, she wouldn't care about what people said, and would deflect a lot of stuff. It's fucked to see her voicing it more often nowadays... but I hope she bounces back and I would rather she take a break, if she needs, rather than leave permanently.
you know, some people actually like stretchmarks? some people like huge flabby bellies? theres a market for all of it. let her be her and do whatever she wants.
>>183009 English is not my best language, but I believe my English to have been clear enough. What I said was that I want her to get pregnant again (while also producing as much content during her pregnancy as possible, especially things like dick riding and lactation)
I am sure she understands preferences and matters of taste, but none of that has anything to do with her supposedly saying she feels ugly.

I also said that evidently you don't know what beauty is, judging by your comment. I don't have any issues with you having opinions, obviously.

I would ravage her vagina, but I can not say the same for many other of these models on imageboard. I grew up around models though. The very thin kind. So I may be biased towards finding beautiful women attractive. Despite that I always try to be as least judgemental as possible when assesing my sexual desires towards a model or any lady in real life, for that matter. That said I've always loved gigantic breasts and fat women, and these days I prefer small butts over the larger toned butts that you find in the gym videos doing squats. I hear you guys call it the bubble butt. I like beautiful butt
She is pregnant RIGHT NOW, you retarded 3rd worlder

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