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looks like she's back on OF and doing ppv but 'no masturbation/penetration content'

her tits are still big after reduction and they actually look so much better and perkier imo
>>175761 (OP)
Are they growing back? They look bigger than they did directly after the chop. Wishful thinking I guess.
not the worst job but it doesnt mean much..
Also yeah I subbed a couple months ago and they def seems bigger.
the scarring is just too boner-killing, she'll have to start doing real tittyfuck content for me to even care a little
what happen to lawyer stuff, i thought they make huge bucks?
Mod should delete this, you weirdos really bringing a post BR model on this board is so dumb.
I see big tits. What are you looking at?
I could point to half a dozen pairs here that look worse and havn't seen a scalpel. No I'm not a simp and I still think it was a mistake but they don't look like frenkensteins ball sack d they. Quit being so bitter.
talking about post-br being posted is so fucking stupid. P!sc3u$ got a br when she was young and simps still post her on here all the time, plus it doesn't mean the tits can't grow post-br. So naive.
Why did this chick get a BR again?
Because she hates herself and too lazy to workout to strengthen her back in the gym. Like all these girls that get BRs.
She watched her mother become a pain pill addict and get a breast reduction. And she wore the wrong sized bra for years and never got a proper measurement. But mostly from watching her mom become a pill addict and not wanting to go through the same thing.
>>175841 and who are you, her buddy?
Lmao I don't think any of what he said is true.

She wanted to go to law school to become a lawyer so she cut them short to prevent people going crazy over her tits and belittling her as a women in that profession.

End of story.
(187 KB, 1920x952, proof.jpg)
She talked about it in her Onlyfans. Here's a screenshot, but go check her coomer page or subscribe to her Onlyfans if you want to see it for yourself.

Fucking morons.
lol once a whore always a whore it seems
would anyone agree theres better out there?
"Wanted the lifestyle that goes with smaller boobs" is the weirdest part of her reasoning I've seen. If she wanted to become a marathon runner then if anything she didn't reduce far enough.

There's definitely something missing here, but honestly we're probably all wasting brain cells trying to figure it out. Woman got neurotic about her boobs, had them cut, we all move on with our stupid lives.
that girl was a masterpiece before, very pretty face and that pair... now I see only scars and pepperoni nipples
What was the point of all this bullshit talking any way? We're here to see tits and her's are still bigger than what some other guys post on here regardless of BR, so post or fuckoff with this talk shit to her thread in TiT? Fucking complaining for the sake of complaining at this point.
Hey dumbass, we don't hate breast reduction because it makes tits smaller. We hate breast reduction because it makes tits look fucking mangled. This chick looks half decent post-reduction, but the scarring is still apparent, and they probably don't sit right when she lays on her back, jiggles, sways, etc.
A better breast reduction? Probably not. She got really lucky that it all came together pretty well. A better set of tits? Absolutely. Just about every other woman posted on the board looks better than her now.
anyone have the one where she's sucking on her nipples on her bed? when she still had her huge knockers.
Becoming a lawyer is no walk in the park. Prob too dumb and/or lazy. Also some lawyers are quite poor because they went to a shit law school and can't find work at any decent law firm.
>>175761 (OP)
What a catastrophe lmao.

Why do all these girls pretend their tits are the reason they are massive whores, butcher them, then panic about the lost attention and come back online even more whorey now with hellraiser tits?
I never quite understood the lawyer thing. Girl was given a golden lottery ticket - face, personality, megalithic tits, creativity with content..a mix countless other (OF) girls would kill to have.

She could just have been living the A-life, becoming settled for life just by showing off her tits and having fun it. No doubt she'll still make a decent bit now but I just will never understand why you'd throw away a once in a million type gold lottery ticket.
It's not the same anymore so it's a no for me.
>Prob too dumb and/or lazy
just like many were warning before she went under the knife. never once met a girl that didn't regret mutilating themselves years later.
Hey I thought gore was banned on here
she is still hot af imo
Man... her tits are stll big, but knowing what they once were.. it ruins her for me. The doctor did a pretty good job, like the shape isn't awful, the scar is big though and the bump from the scar is offputting. IDK I think my dick is confused, I probably won't pay for her content. Shame because if she never went under the knife I'd still be donated half my paycheck to those tits monthly.
Nbs big dawg, her titties look fine to me
Oh my god, she traded that for implants? Does she not learn from rachel raxxx
Rachel Raxxx got a breast lift and implants. JuicyJade only had a breast reduction.
The scars are messed. The fact that they’re fact is far too apparent. Can’t enjoy it after knowing what they used to be. There’s many better fake tits in the porn industry where it’s hard to tell they’re fake and countless better naturals. It’s a no from me dawg
went from the most appealing set of tits ever seen on the internet to one of the most unappealing set ever seen.

the saddest part is that she surely has hundreds - maybe thousands - of needle dick virgins tossing her all their money despite how horrible her tits look now
Who has her old shit?
>what happen to lawyer stuff
Yeah...she said she was amputating her juggs because she feared that she would not be taken seriously in a courtroom. But here she is posting nudes after the tragedy. Makes all the sense in the world to me--Not.
Juicy jade was our American racehorse. The boob scene was all hers for the taking. There waa no nina nipples nor mady g. Just like LDM she ruined what otherwise was an amazing potential career in big boob fantasy. But hey br juicy jade is better than no juicy jade right
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No woman on the scene has or had as much hype as her in so little of time, because she was only active for maybe 2 months before she got the reduction. But a lot of the hype around her had to do with her announcing that she was getting a reduction. If she had never announced it or she had no plans to do it, she would not be as "revered" as she is now.

And now you have anons making claims about her being "one of the greats", when it was all FOMO and anons stupid enough to overpay/overtip in the hopes that they could sway her to not get a breast reduction.
I know her tits are smaller now than they were originally, but they've definitely grown since her first postop pics/video. personally I think the surgeon did a great job correcting her ptosis and making her areolas point more forward than down, the scarring isn't bad and the shape is great.

her post BR tits are definitely big enough to be here and she's still stunningly attractive and shows face, so not sure what people are upset about
Obviously, because they look nothing like how they did before the BR. Forget about the surgeon's work, they still look crap when compared to what they once were and I don't care what anyone says about it.
No one wants to see butchered tits, and like the other guy said, she’s got pepperoni nipples now. All BRs are like that. It’s unattractive and impossible to get off to.
Moron complaint about the talk yet taking. Shut up simpling.
She had the best tits ever. Now they’re gone. Get over her. I still fap to her old pics like they’re new material though
The problem is they looked amazing before. If her tits were always the way they looked atm and were never chopped she’d probably have a lot more interest and less complaining. But since she got them chopped the first thing people think of is how they looked before the BR and they were arguably the best looking tits out there. Like yeah they don’t look bad now but when you compare them to the old it’s not even close
This is the single-most "They destroyed my childhood!!" thread on this entire site.
Used to be a 10 just mid now, does not look better. F
Fuck that surgeon. He should have told her to go home and reevaluate her reasoning for going under the knife. haha
The surgeon involved should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity. I miss the time where girls would rationally think ahead and consider the bigger picture.

"My boobs belong to the world. They're attached to my body, but they belong to the public." -Chesty Morgan
You niggas are delusional as fuck
Can you be more specific? To which niggas are you referring?
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Also, should we make a Smokkingoddess aka itsthemads thread or can we post an archive of her stuff here too seeing as how they're both the same kind of chick, i.e. onlyfans to lob off well endowed boobs?
Exactly. Nothing more lucrative than being a hot chick. Especially in today's post third wave western societies. If I had a body like this I wouldn't be wasting years with difficult shit like trying to be a lawyer, doctor etc. Just sell pics of my tits for ridiculous profit and retire once I make like 2 mil+.

I really wish I could transform into a hot bitch for like a year make crazy easy money and then turn back to man. Sadly the laws of nature makes this impossible.
This girl was an actual work of art. imagine having the only body of its kind, with that face. Insanity. If she gained weight she couldve been absolutely gigantic on such a tiny frame
Does anyone have a full mega of her stuff?
anyone got pics of her mum?? as she said her mum had big boobs before a BR
Hay contenido de esta chica donde muestre la vagina.?
hay hay, el diablo esta en tu pantalones hay hay hay! please die too...
disgusting job, the scars kill it entirely

another retard ruined herself, onto the next
her and babygrace are the biggest examples of the female brain, stupid
>>175761 (OP)
"her tits are still big after reduction and they actually look so much better and perkier"
Fucking COPE
looks disgusting af, surgeon got the degree in an online school lmao
Because men are a whole lot less picky than women are when it comes to the opposite sex. Dudes will literally fuck a chick with hair around her nippiles with armpits full of hair if they have a chance to get it in women won't fuck a nasty ass dude unless their either the same level of attractiveness or their being paid to fuck him. Another example women prefer to have a guy that has the very least a little bit of sexual experience men don't really give a fuck if the girls a Virgin or not. Lolosavo knows that alot of men are turned off by the way her titties look now that's why she sells pre and post op breast reduction content so she can still make money
>her tits are still big after reduction and they actually look so much better and perkier imo
hilarious man, did a woman write this?
I think she wrote it herself lmao,
She probably did write. Dude.this broad made 400 grand in a span of 6 months from onlyfans and got a reduction and now isn't making anywhere near that. Back pain or not I would have dealt with the pain for atleast a couple years became a millionaire and then got them cut off but I guess common sense doesn't exist with everyone
Men are a whole lot less picky about the women they FUCK. Men are much more picky about the women they marry.

A man's test is whether or not he can sleep with a woman. A woman's test is whether or not she can keep a man.

That's why a man can judge his desirability by how many women he has bedded. While a woman can judge her desirability by how many men have proposed.
(6.1 MB, 1080x1358, 22_YrDrCQaS.mp4)
Just say you want to fuck whoever you want, however you want, and all without fear of being hurt or failing. Keep it at that. At least that's honest and gets to the root of things rather than playing around with empty terms as though they have meaning beyond seeking power.

And now back to titties.
Women fuck whoever they want. Men fuck whoever they can. And we don't have a fear of failing or getting hurt. WTF? It's really obvious now that I'm talking to a woman. You don't know the first thing about what it means to be a man. Thanks for the unspoiled titties.
>>175761 (OP)
I mean, she looks nice and all but if she's back at it and everything, it just hurts to think of what could've been.
It's bound to happen, breasts are filled with fatty tissue... Once you start eating excess fat that you don't burn, you'll get more titty, unless she became an exercise freak, she'll grow... Maybe not to her previous size (or maybe she will, some women do) , but she'll grow, she's genetically predisposed
Lmao there's always that one guy
It's not about how she looks now, because she really does look good, hell, if you didn't know about her and saw her out and about, you'd probably be drooling over her, she genuinely looks hot, but what this is all about is the freaking possibilities, what could have been had she not made the choice of tittycide
Spilt milk, I know, but still, can't help but look at >>175806 those pics and weep
What? Do you even think before writing or do you just make it up as you go? If you've ever talked to a woman with abnormally big tits you'd know that being seen as whores and all the attention to their tits is exactly what brings them to get a BR. Be it that some may come back, it may have to do more with the money, rather than the attention.
Undeniably so, yeah
Admit it, you've just never met a girl. Period.
Yes, but we think that because as men we've never had that chance, as opposed to her as a hot chick, that's what everyone wanted and expected from her, so she wanted to rise above. Not that I condone, I would've tried to bank on it too and live a worry free life living off bank interests lmao, but since I'm no woman I wouldn't understand what it feels like to be thought of as nothing but pretty to look at.
Nice long thread ass hate. Her titties look like shit and she's fully aware that her breast reduction caused her to lose an enormous amount of money. Secondly sex is a woman's greatest weapon when it comes to men having huge titties helps that equation. When is the last time you heard a guy talking about wanting to fuck Rosanne barr or fucking AOC so looks do matter. Women are a whole lot picker then men when it comes to getting sex because women don't have to do very much to get it. I'd upload some content but all of her good shit has already been leaked
Id fuck Roseanne bet her pussy warm
I'd fuck AOC, NGL. She's cute and petite and has a feminine voice. She can tell me all about social justice while it happens too.
The only women who appreciate large breasts are those that have bought a surgical upgrade. Women who are naturally busty despise their blessing. It's just one strange aspect of the female psyche. Modern women tend to shun natural beauty in general; it's all about fake, fake, fake these days.
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Come out from your cave. those boobs joined dust heap of history last year & you can find them in mythologies.
speak for yourself

they are a pain to deal with but i love my fat tits more than not
One of the best chop jobs I've seen, tbf. Yes, she used to be hotter, but I can understand the reduction if she wants to make it in any sort of half serious profession and not be seen as a walking pair of tits.
Natural jade over reduced jade any day
Can we get less talky talky and more pics of her new tits please
This forum is really going downhill. Breast reduction enablers, the lot of you.
Why can't you just ignore it you strange person?
For the same reason I wouldn't ignore gore or cp. It's offensive, it doesn't belong here, and it shouldn't be encouraged. Now you explain to me why anyone would ask for more of that in a place like this.

Did you really just compare this to cp you fucking retard lol
Well we find people like you offensive, you don't belong here, and you shouldn't be encouraged. Please leave.
You unhinged fuck. Take a look at yourself.
There’s a simp & schizophrenic thread where you belong. No normal straight man likes butchered tits with fake pepperoni nips, especially knowing the beauts they once were. Leave this guy alone and get this thread nuked.
Lol @ pepperoni nips. Bitch butchered her tits and bc she still at least looks decently cute dudes are coping smh.
It looks gross to view that after reduction
stupid woman
God - I'm going to give you the most wonderful breasts.

Juicyjade- Fuck you.
And the craziness these simps have to admire the frankentits
Another one bites the dust.
This is becoming a trend.
She got her reduction in 2021, anon. Way back in January like she said she would.

Women in this scene have been getting reductions on their way out the door for years and years. If anything, she's one of the few who came back back after getting a reduction to model.

If anything, the trend is women with reductions making a comeback and the men in the scene being more and more okay with reductions.
Oh that's why she's selling pre and post reduction content. What have you been smoking? women think that whatever decisions they make with their bodies that we have to be ok with that and in actuality the only ones that have to be ok with the way they look is themselves now when your selling content of this nature you being ok with the way you look doesn't necessarily apply. I know for a fact that she doesn't make nearly as much money as she use to and those are facts
I guarantee she regrets her choice and she's probably even contemplated suicide.
>>179221 >>179182
She just as confused as these “non-binarians”
who cares about her now? she WAS one of the most beautiful busty babes BEFORE. now, she's nothing. move on to the next busty whore and forget this one.
Lol mods deleting posts like a coup gonna start. You’re obviously in love with frankentits you stupid mods
(7.9 MB, 1080x1920, lolo_post_BR.mp4)
Still big but absolutely not like before specially her nipples. her boobs with that face was really ultimate. thank god she left some good contents of those legendary breasts.
>Still bitch
More looks like vandalism.
It’s a crime that she did that. What girls think look good is not what guys like.
the baddest body on the planet and she spits in gods face
she’s unironically going to hell
her tits look deformed and retarded
she is a fucking idiot
if i saw this girl i’d tell her fuck you stupid dumb idiot lol
What a beautiful lady. I'm glad she was able to find happiness.
shes not tho, shes always saying stuff like, I know you guys liked the old me, but whats done is done.

She know she fucked up. Theyre growing back but look butchered. Imo she shouldve gone to a D cup or not touch them at all.
She got the reduction because she wanted to be done with selling tit pics and find success as a lawyer. If she's done a full 180 and has come back to OF after all that, she's clearly not happy.
It's unfortunate. Her tits were widely seen as perfect, but now they look like bad polygons with a fucked up anchor tattoo stretched over them.
When she plays around with them now, it's like there's an invisible table stopping them abruptly from dropping to a natural position.
Not ideal but not as bad as I have seen. If you don't like them it's not mandatory to stop scrolling or part with any cash. Easy really.
Though shes a shell of her former hotness she's still a very beautiful girl. Still would put a ring on it

I'd put it up her ring
I'd be too disgusted to stay hard enough to fuck her. I could probably do it with viagra, but that's not sustainable in a relationship. She's a ruined woman.
She's had a breast reduction not a face transplant. You fucking weirdo. And I guarantee you'd fuck her.
shes got those bear traps titties, cba

And she would probably not even notice you said anything because she doesn't pay attention to fat neckbeards
I have no doubt you wouldn't be able to get hard, but that's not her fault. You're overweight and your mind is too clouded with fantasies of girls who would never notice you to focus on a boner. Good luck with that life.
I just find it hilarious that some of the dudes in this thread have basically done everything but actively wish painful death on this woman just for getting a BR.

I've been around long enough to make at least a reasonable prediction that even if she had kept her original size, folks around here would get bored of her within a year if she didn't go into hardcore B/G material.
She was doomed either way.
I mean not b/g content but fully nude yes but she's not an ugly girl by all means but she had huge titties for years and I sure she has used them to either use men or atleast get the kind of.men that she wanted. Women with bust lines like hers aren't virgins and if they are font stay virgins for very long but I don't know why she would wait till she blew up to get a reduction anyways it is what it is. Unless someone drops some of her post reduction content she doesn't have any pre reduction content that hasn't been leaked
She could've just been a computer programmer and got paid to do jack shit all day, can't blame her for giving up on the lawyer shit tho.
Dude if you've been on bbwchan before most of these girls with get on here and try to get their content taken down or the very least talk shit. Dmca laws only apply in the United States and content creators can only sue and get money from assets that are based in the United States but this site is not based in the United States so dmca laws don't apply
I don't think I exaggerate here but this might be the most misogynist thread I've ever seen here.
can yall post her post-op shit or just stfu? literally a whole page full of talking like this site is TiT now, gtfo with that shit.
As you add to it. Zero self awareness.
Why would you want her post op shit? Dickhead I have videos of her but it sure isn't Any post op shit and like I said be all of her good shit has already been leaked. Noone wants her post op content. Misogynistic? I guess men are suppose to accept a woman regardless on what she looks like cloths on or off but ask lolosavo if she would sleep with a guy that was 300 pounds hairy ass chest with a small weiner. Who's really being dumb here? If boobsrealm even said that alot of her former followers would be turned off by the way she looks now obviously that's telling.you something.

for real, she's still a gorgeous woman with big tits even post BR. it's nice to see her nipples pointing out instead of down. bummer that she says she's only doing softcore though, would love to see her getting fucked or giving tit wanks
It's cool how we have new mods that won't let be say any but nice things about girls on here but they aren't the ones spending their fucking money on lack luster content. I like her boobs the way they looked before she had a reduction but I haven't bought any of her content sense then so I guess my opinion doesn't matter
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>it's nice to see her nipples pointing out instead of down.
look at these breasts before br, I think three persons are satisfied with her BR
1-herself 2-a simp 3-a competitor busty bitch
which one is you?
Mods must really want to keep this post up. They'll delete any negative discussion about her, but won't get rid of the thread because degenerates keep bumping it. Let her die, fellas.
fucking hell man, those tits truly were perfect
you forgot
>4-the doctor that's slightly richer for cutting her up
She should change her name to Lolo Hazbin.
Anybody got a negĂł of her old stuff
any recent wins out there?
cmno guys,her tits are still big enough to enjoy
thats a fact bro other busty women despise hotter busty women they compete so hard and lolo was literally top 5 of all time

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