>>174487 (Cross-thread)>>174657I'm well aware you'd rather throw down with the racist before me, which says everything about capitalist sympathizers.
And we ARE entitled to the fruits of our labor. How exactly does a capitalist own that which exists independent of capital? A capitalist could dump billions into production, business infrastructure (e.g., parking lots), firms, research and development, etc., and none of it would ever materialize any profit without the mass labor of truckers, researchers, package handlers, tech support workers, receptionists, retail workers, engineers, and so forth.
So yes, absolutely the working class is entitled to all capital. Yes, revolutions are not peaceful -- only because capitalists will use their monopoly on state violence before ever allowing a peaceful transition away from capialism.
Whether you like it or not, this system is going to die for good. A workers revolution isn't even necessary. Have you noticed how the global capitalist economy has been increasingly drifting away from the real economy? Rather than markets being strictly affected by things like import/export policy changes, changes in supply and demand, changes in technology, etc., instead our markets are being increasingly affected by speculation and ficticious capital (such as cryptocurrency, hedge funds, etc.). The issue here is Capitalists view the economy as an interchange of money, which is why there is this obsession with endlessly accumulating money. But the reality is: the economy is an interchange of commodities. The economy is like the relation between a sea and the fish. The sea of fish represent commodities, the sea itself represents money. The idea here is: you don't get more fish by dumping more water into the sea. Without any revolution necessary, this entire system is doomed to collapse if it is left to last that long.
Thankfully, it most definitely will not last that long. Most certainly we will see numerous attempts of revolutions. Most of these will fail, but one of these will mark an inflection point, in the same way the 1905 Russian revolution became the dress-rehearsal of the magnicifient 1917 Revolution that led to the USSR.
Try actually studyinig historical revolutions; what led up to them, what brought success and what didn't, what players were involved and what interests did they serve, and especially what lengths the capitalists went to maintain power. Look at the Burkina faso government, the Paris Commune of 1871, the 1974 Portugeuse Revolution, the 2011 Egyptian revolution, and so forth. You would learn a thing or two, and maybe even realize the ruling class is the bloodthirsty, subhuman, fucking paraistic class of thieving, greedy leeches. Truly, I want more than them to just be expropriated. For the hundreds of millions of deaths they have caused through war, imperialism, famine, etc (especially the British monarchy) no amount of money could repay their debt to the working class. They (Large celebrities and other large social capitalists, large landlords, and other large capitalists like the Musks and Soros of the world) deserve to be tortured in the most vile conditions imaginable. Fuck them all.