
Fucking hot, thank you chad :)
>>133066 (OP)
Stop giving importance to these scammers from Ghana, none of them dare to even publish a photo in a thong. Ghanaians are crooks, if you want to see African bbws there are only South Africans like Neria Fumane, Zama ... The Ghanaian bbw queen ebetu asked me $ 500 just for a photo, they are crooks! https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ee183d9c5309d720&sxsrf=ADLYWILRzyaNEbo_9nrZu7qee5DomesSig:1728156647504&q=Queen+ebetu&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8n bOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J11zQ_lP3kmMyhUHPwg9zovyrWsyPmczcr_0hVemgO3wqYH DBWMdFoZgTon8NxbEhB86zP4TUkQ4a-QPd3c_kl1yZv-G7tdTKAfb428uCUCPleHSJeaYsPbWzwSJgBokB0Dh2gz7cdZLmPX7kxdQ2VlQ_0bz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi0vdyY_feIAxUvUqQ EHallCccQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=360&bih=677&dpr=3#imgrc=46UheNbst--i3M&imgdii=PGJvhxkEqinhyM
Bump we need more of her
>>133066 (OP)
she was active on facebook still, not a hiatus
>>133066 (OP)
Where shall she have gained weight?🤔🤨
Do you ever have watched Pamela before?

Accordings to the last videos she clearly had shrinked down, a lot of weight (50kilogramme)!
She still looks great but she has definitely lost almost a hundred pounds, easy. She's back to her early dance competition weight, more or less.
When would you say has she been at her heaviest? What year, month any specific video etc.?
About a year and a half ago she was making videos where she had to sit for the majority of the footage. Every so often she'd stand up and waddle a few feet and sit down again. She was definitely at her biggest then. Hot as hell.
Is there anything nude, in bikini or lingerie?

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