
Why don't you post some content, first?

lol exactly, dude just announced her existence like she's about to enter a wwe match.
That ass is not even a half of Randalin's size and those tattoos are cringe. So gtfo you retard!! 💩💩
Id take her over randalin for the fact this bitch have bud structure. Randalin is larf loose bud lmao
her face is better than LR bitchboi
feel free to just pick one of them as your favorite. me? i would like randalin and princessspear pressing their asses on my head from both sides
No video wins out there on this one
She look like she take BWC exclusively
They say its indica in the bag. But all the thc evaporated its all cbn. Grow your own cannabis. $30-$90 weed is not cured properly. Im exposing all of you you dealers that dont do it right
Weed not supposed to look yellow. Fluffy potent weed.
Pushing stale old ass weed. Not cured properly.
Big ass Bump!
Fuck the eagles. Every eagle fan I met tried to fuck one of my hoes. So fuck yall.
I don't need to. I am hoping the Chiefs win and laughing that Fetterman has been reduced to a vegetable, unable to comprehend the Eagles. I am a Giants, Packers, and Cowboys fan
I hope your kid grows up to be gay. We'll see who will be laughing then. Stupid idiot.
That sound like insecurity of yours not any of ours lol
I gotta say her OF is a little underwhelming.

Stfu you know that was funny as fuck why are you hurt?
Getting so tired of the schizo bullshit. post wins or shut the fuck up. No one cares about colored dicks, sports, weed or the men these women fuck. We only care about fat chicks with big assess.
That weird ass dude that just keeps talking to himself in every post. Like honestly it's sad, you gotta be lonely asf to be on a site full of anonymous horn dogs and seeking their attention with your weird posts. This mf would write a fucking story about the most randomest shit. Seek help homie, get well soon
Calling out someone for doing something on an anon site every day? Who needs the help for watching others you broke boy shut up
Beyonce dont follow any one on social media but yall worried about what anons do a on porn sites meant for leaked content. Yall priorities been fucked up since 2010 since don't expect muxh from you losers. Just brain dead horny assholes who talk alot about ppl who make them feel inferior.
He knows youre watching him. He makes u follow him everwhere he goes so you fall into his traps and time wasters. Kid is alien 1 of a kind. Real fucking faggit
How is someone talking to thierselves if you're watching. Thats why its called tv and you clowns are the audience
This is why nobody posts links here anymore and have gone to other sites such as, nevermind not telling you plebs. Just a bunch of bitch niggaz arguing with no wins, so bbw chan is a graveyard to laugh at now
Shut up before I post the d11sc0000rd link for bbwwwch@
Post it so I can join lol, fucking idiot, im talking about websites no REPORT MY POST.
Jk bro, I love all of you. Just saying this place is ruined by infighting, but I'll stop contributing to it
Denial is a not healthy for you. You government assitance living ass loser gonna go broke paying for a VPN just to be on here 24/7 acting like a fucking demented shitbag. Did you like getting the attention faggot? 😂😂😂
You posted 4 different times pretending to be different people. Get help loser. He thinks he's smart but he's just the BBW Chan VPN guy who talks to himself daily. Talking about falling for traps. So you purposely do it to trap others to talk to you? The Loser Award of the decade goes to you, the BBW Chan fagspammer. At least go Ask Gen Z on some advice on how to actually troll. Loser loser. 😂😂😂

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