>>227185The peak female form should be bigger, soft, full of rolls and perfectly round. That's how all women should be, like the fertility goddesses of ancient times depicted in idols and statues.
Femininity goes hand in hand with fatness, female bodies are made to store fat more easily, their metabolisms are a lot slower because they are built to create life. When pregnant women become more beautiful, they grow in size and their bodies transform into the forms of those goddesses of old, their breasts, bellies and hips get bigger and a lot more desirable as that's the way nature demands it, so much so that even after giving birth their bodies are transformed forever and they can still carry some of those attributes of beauty for the rest of their lives.
We've all seen or heard from a woman close to us how much they struggle with body image after their pregnancies, as if the stretch marks, cellulite and extra weight wasn't a sign of them fulfilling their divine purpose as life bringers. In modern society they have made us think of fat as a bad thing, the world has forgotten that for most of our history the preferred female figure was rounder, heavier and thicker, it meant that a woman was well fed and healthy enough so she could bear children more easily.
Fat is a gift, both for the biological processes of life and the enjoyment of one's own body. When your're fat you stay warm and comfortable during winters, your body becomes softer and it's perfect for a loving embrace, there's just so much beauty in fat women that makes them way more desirable as partners, it's almost like a primal instinct buried deep inside our DNA, a calling for us to remember how things used to be, of how fat women are more attractive and better suited to procreate.
Female bodies are meant to be fat and as such we are meant to praise them and worship like we did in tribal times. If you love big women, be loud and proud about it, we need to break free of this tabu, fat bodies ARE beautiful and can be healthy as well. Don't be ashamed of your preference and remember that bigger women are literal walking goddesses among us.
The peak female form should be bigger, soft, full of rolls and perfectly round. That's how all women should be, like the fertility goddesses of ancient times depicted in idols and statues.
Femininity goes hand in hand with fatness, female bodies are made to store fat more easily, their metabolisms are a lot slower because they are built to create life. When pregnant women become more beautiful, they grow in size and their bodies transform into the forms of those goddesses of old, their breasts, bellies and hips get bigger and a lot more desirable as that's the way nature demands it, so much so that even after giving birth their bodies are transformed forever and they can still carry some of those attributes of beauty for the rest of their lives.
We've all seen or heard from a woman close to us how much they struggle with body image after their pregnancies, as if the stretch marks, cellulite and extra weight wasn't a sign of them fulfilling their divine purpose as life bringers. In modern society they have made us think of fat as a bad thing, the world has forgotten that for most of our history the preferred female figure was rounder, heavier and thicker, it meant that a woman was well fed and healthy enough so she could bear children more easily.
Fat is a gift, both for the biological processes of life and the enjoyment of one's own body. When your're fat you stay warm and comfortable during winters, your body becomes softer and it's perfect for a loving embrace, there's just so much beauty in fat women that makes them way more desirable as partners, it's almost like a primal instinct buried deep inside our DNA, a calling for us to remember how things used to be, of how fat women are more attractive and better suited to procreate.
Female bodies are meant to be fat and as such we are meant to praise them and worship like we did in tribal times. If you love big women, be loud and proud about it, we need to break free of this tabu, fat bodies ARE beautiful and can be healthy as well. Don't be ashamed of your preference and remember that bigger women are literal walking goddesses among us.
The peak female form should be bigger, soft, full of rolls and perfectly round. That's how all women should be, like the fertility goddesses of ancient times depicted in idols and statues.
Femininity goes hand in hand with fatness, female bodies are made to store fat more easily, their metabolisms are a lot slower because they are built to create life. When pregnant women become more beautiful, they grow in size and their bodies transform into the forms of those goddesses of old, their breasts, bellies and hips get bigger and a lot more desirable as that's the way nature demands it, so much so that even after giving birth their bodies are transformed forever and they can still carry some of those attributes of beauty for the rest of their lives.
We've all seen or heard from a woman close to us how much they struggle with body image after their pregnancies, as if the stretch marks, cellulite and extra weight wasn't a sign of them fulfilling their divine purpose as life bringers. In modern society they have made us think of fat as a bad thing, the world has forgotten that for most of our history the preferred female figure was rounder, heavier and thicker, it meant that a woman was well fed and healthy enough so she could bear children more easily.
Fat is a gift, both for the biological processes of life and the enjoyment of one's own body. When your're fat you stay warm and comfortable during winters, your body becomes softer and it's perfect for a loving embrace, there's just so much beauty in fat women that makes them way more desirable as partners, it's almost like a primal instinct buried deep inside our DNA, a calling for us to remember how things used to be, of how fat women are more attractive and better suited to procreate.
Female bodies are meant to be fat and as such we are meant to praise them and worship like we did in tribal times. If you love big women, be loud and proud about it, we need to break free of this tabu, fat bodies ARE beautiful and can be healthy as well. Don't be ashamed of your preference and remember that bigger women are literal walking goddesses among us.
The peak female form should be bigger, soft, full of rolls and perfectly round. That's how all women should be, like the fertility goddesses of ancient times depicted in idols and statues.
Femininity goes hand in hand with fatness, female bodies are made to store fat more easily, their metabolisms are a lot slower because they are built to create life. When pregnant women become more beautiful, they grow in size and their bodies transform into the forms of those goddesses of old, their breasts, bellies and hips get bigger and a lot more desirable as that's the way nature demands it, so much so that even after giving birth their bodies are transformed forever and they can still carry some of those attributes of beauty for the rest of their lives.
We've all seen or heard from a woman close to us how much they struggle with body image after their pregnancies, as if the stretch marks, cellulite and extra weight wasn't a sign of them fulfilling their divine purpose as life bringers. In modern society they have made us think of fat as a bad thing, the world has forgotten that for most of our history the preferred female figure was rounder, heavier and thicker, it meant that a woman was well fed and healthy enough so she could bear children more easily.
Fat is a gift, both for the biological processes of life and the enjoyment of one's own body. When your're fat you stay warm and comfortable during winters, your body becomes softer and it's perfect for a loving embrace, there's just so much beauty in fat women that makes them way more desirable as partners, it's almost like a primal instinct buried deep inside our DNA, a calling for us to remember how things used to be, of how fat women are more attractive and better suited to procreate.
Female bodies are meant to be fat and as such we are meant to praise them and worship like we did in tribal times. If you love big women, be loud and proud about it, we need to break free of this tabu, fat bodies ARE beautiful and can be healthy as well. Don't be ashamed of your preference and remember that bigger women are literal walking goddesses among us.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot.