
The punt the poodle thread has some of their artwork in there too btw
oh thanks for the tip, I'll definitely look there. I'm just trying to get a thread going focusing solely on this artist.

Although they do similar art, they are 100% different artists.
(188 KB, 694x1199, moonoatmeal-dump-since-their-acc-is-gone-v0-ruuexyg338ga1.jpg)
So I just reversed image searched the 2nd image here and came across a MoonOatmeal reddit thread on FridayNightFetish that also posted for the same reason you did.

Here's the full res from there btw; also I saw what seemingly happened with them deactivating on the reddit post and that's a big yikes if true, not posting it here though you can find it yourself.
it's always the friday night funkin people that do this type of shit
yeah I'm aware of what they did. But I couldn't care less, the art is great and it's a shame we don't have a complete archive.

I also found that thread and sorta cobbled this one together in hopes that someone who did save everything stumbles upon this.
I remember talking to them on discord, where i got a request done, then like always they dissapeared
Do you have a discord?
ive never seen these before, where were these posted?
(238 KB, 356x512, >.png)
I may regret asking this but...
What exactly did they do.........?
That im curious about as well
Look at a reddit post about them. I reverse image searched a gf pic and found a reddit post asking the same thing, first comment says what they did.
>Look at a reddit post about them.
Do you know how little that narrows it down to? And why not just say it here? Only thing I found was that they were apparently a minor, which is legitimately the least surprising thing I could possibly imagine considering it's Friday Night Funkin (IIRC, numerous FNF threads here are literally just full of middle schoolers who think their top shit for admitting their underage on a fetish board). This is the #1 problem with doing art like this for fandoms such as that, because the kids always wanna be like the cool grown ups and do things they're not supposed to. Was half expecting to find out they were a groomer or some shit. Again, why shy away from letting people know what they did? It only makes people like me assume the worst, like they killed a man or shat over their mothers grave or kidnapped 11 children. Unless I'm wrong and they actually did do something along those lines, in which case, please enlighten me.
Again, I'm really only tangentially aware of this artists existence for people confusing this persons works for Punthepoodle, so it's not like everyone knows where to look for drama about a fetish artist they don't even know.
(96 KB, 1330x268, ok.png)
To save people the search, cos this was not the top comment and there was no way I was getting a reddit account to browse through all the replies to a friday night funkin fetish subreddit
I can't be the only one who thought Punt and MoonOatmeal were the same person similar to AxelRosered and that Chisel guy, art styles are way too similar to be coincidence along wish brushes.
Me too, thought it was Punt but looked closer and found that it wasnt
Please tell me someone has the full res to that first gf pic w/ the yellow shorts.
(473 KB, 720x736, 713e81c31b386b48c17e0b38c4c4fa47.mp4) (58 KB, 1200x1037, FRkrlzBWUAAV9s5.jpg) (62 KB, 1227x1073, FZGbtl4WAAEX5Sq.jpeg) (87 KB, 850x850, sample_109378551fe3893d959dabe1dc619b87.jpg) (186 KB, 2048x1836, FJ9hAARWQAIQjs9.jpeg) (44 KB, 1200x1200, Ex7ZZ6aXIAMG_TZ.jpg)
Can be found by way back machine,just do Https://twitter.com/moonoatmeal or HenloPuff,can be used to find anything from twitter and on the internet lol.
(210 KB, 1280x1273, fd29a72e321f2fae42a6f8cb6a3e1d233d51359051921083752fc9b5b2929f85.jpg) (168 KB, 1280x1280, 72ee1bca44c5471d4197db41d65ec8184e56d371d8a5cfaff6cc0687b88bdf45.jpg) (185 KB, 1280x1280, 1a200f826e4853ae0a45e263d84a8a11482432dace312a3df90e4be441e8cd12.jpg) (242 KB, 1280x1280, 003eceacd6ffc2b31e8b82ca0213911702d28261b0f04012afe729fb20ac7f6e.jpg) (22 KB, 981x814, 858d4d4e74279fc97df44d62daf8d58b8ae41e8d7d52df281823886623f31085.jpg) (2.9 MB, 4000x4000, 33731df17c700708afd7f5237331798088420e0717d1f2b85c13e0fdfe5b66a9.png)
(477 KB, 2000x2000, cc8712e1029d0807914ca48c9fc17204.png) (87 KB, 850x850, sample_109378551fe3893d959dabe1dc619b87.jpg) (161 KB, 1811x1798, c3422116f3d2cea90ba0bb9dcbe64ca4.jpeg) (108 KB, 850x695, sample_0fed8e02f940cddfa38531394f972b63.jpg) (68 KB, 884x1024, 76ad03981bf46cb10426b53ecb156e12.jpeg) (353 KB, 600x364, 6444fda22b96abc681ce1c941309f01f.gif)
Two more pictures and that'll be the finale for now,til I go back on way back machine to look for more!
at least try to spoil the scat shit nigga damn
What do you mean 'spoil the scat'?
What do you mean man
(192 KB, 2048x2048, f655712fedf78adfdf64b790c4f969e181c21861f0c4ceadb9e322cb0ffb8b59.jpg)
Here's an example: I have this picture of sarvente right here that has farts but I want to give people a heads up that it has farts in case they don't like that, what I do is I click the little spoiler square while I'm uploading the image so that it comes out like this and people don't have to see it unless they click on it.
this poster right here did the same thing for people that don't like scat >>34782
Her name is Jaimiaya (she comes up for that name) and she advocates for a literal child’s group despite forcing her friends (children) into sexual acts.. The group is the Be a Friend project where she has communication with young venerable children. Sure, liking her art is fine aslong as you don’t support her but Jesus Christ.
Also yes that’s all true there’s a post about it with proof. Basically TLDR
• Forced her friend and boyfriend into sexual acts
• Drew CP, animal porn & beastiality in the past
• Forced her friend to lie and yelled at them on call to keep her secrets when she was talking shit about her other friend
• Befriended her friends abuser just because she wanted to and didn’t care about them
• Constantly sexualized her friends minor characters and said she wanted to have sex with a 9 year old character that was a visualization of a real child.
And some new news.. she threatened her friend and used their abuse and trauma against them, saying she’ll run them over, stalk them, and hurt him. She lives in Virginia btw
Sounds like they didn't do anything since it's all just drawings, while your obsession over them seems more like mental illness
This probably explains why his clone also dissapeared online too
Probably out of shame or to keep the company despite what happened
>Multiple posts on this thread pointing out that she forced minors into sexual acts IRL and has been coercive, abusive and threatening towards people.

"sHE dIDn't dO anythiNg WRoNg, they're JuSt drAWinGs."

Are you actually fucking blind? Do we need to add subway surfers videos to our posts to get your attention deficient brain to read and comprehend them properly?
>she forced minors into sexual acts
I'm going to need an dxplanation as to what this means, because I never thought that it could be possible that a group of adults were hacking phones and using the information to stalk and scare the population, but now I've seen evidence that Google's an accomplice and part of these groups so right now I'll believe anything.
Sure. She forced people to draw things of her, forced them to do sexual things in text with her, and forced her friend to make their characters (visualizations of them) romantic despite said friend having a partner. Sickening.
That’s actually a pretty funny remark, it made me smile lmao. Don’t know why humanity has devolved to needing subway surfers videos to pay attention to things. But it could also be a sign of ADD which has become a pretty common diagnosis.
OH YEAH, I forgot but she thought about abandoning her kitten.. because it bites her.
A young single kitten.
Biting her.
Because it doesn’t have siblings, maybe?
Very incompetent cat owner.
fat art?
>why won't you believe my unsubstantiated rumors when I am clearly mentally ill and have an axe to grind?
yeah unnamed clone here, me and "moonoatmeal" went over the situation that went on and she says she's in therapy. I won't explain specifics of what we talked about but she knows what she did what was wrong, and is currently trying to change

just wanted to say that to clear the air a bit
Lol okay. I don't have any personal involvement with or vendetta against the artist or anyone connected to her, maybe don't be so presumptuous?

The rumours are unsubstantiated yes, but that doesn't make them any less serious. You seem rather flippant and nonchalant towards the allegations that this artist has abused children and is just all around a shitty human being, whilst also being inflammatory to those of us who are disgusted to hear about it so I have to wonder if you're just a nonce.

At the end of the day the burden of proof is on the people who've made these claims about her in the first place, evidently some of them or at least people who know more about what's going on are in this very thread so it's on them to supply evidence to substantiate what's being said.

The subject matter of a lot of her art speaks for itself and she hasn't come out to defend or distance herself from what's been said, so make of that what you will.

If the people who spread this stuff around can't prove what they're saying or are found out to be lying shitheads then I'll gladly direct all my pitchfork holding and fist shaking to them instead, but otherwise I'm not going to kiss the toes of someone who's alleged to have abused kids.
also giving out personal information about a minor artist is kind of a jerk move and is not something you wanna do if you wanna look righteous just saying
>>36198 How personal are we talking? You seem to care a lot. Seem to know a lot about the appearances and "looking righteous".
I'm not a righteous person personally but I know if I wanted to be the good guy in a situation I wouldn't say the opposing individual's first and last legal name out of nowhere, especially being under the legal age is such a big deal on on the situation
>>36201 I disagree and your post's not just. Doxxing's illegal though in all 50 states, although it's rarely inforced except in extreme cases when fiascos that hit the news medias.
I never saw that stuff as really important, my bad
Also yeah there are screenshots to it all and as one of the posts said MoonOatmeal has indeed confessed to doing all these things
First sentence as a reply to saying her name that is
Thought it was normal but maybe I’m just old
Instead MoonOatmeal has been Banny_Koi, Burialze, EddsworldBub online etc so maybe watch out for those names if you ever stumble upon them
“yeah unnamed clone here, me and "moonoatmeal" went over the situation that went on and she says she's in therapy. I won't explain specifics of what we talked about but she knows what she did what was wrong, and is currently trying to change

just wanted to say that to clear the air a bit” Pretty much sums it up
But yeaahhhh no ‘trying to change 🥺🥺’ doesn’t mean that she can just waltz off from that (not saying anyone said that) so I don’t know why she even said that
What she should do is stay off the internet and learn not to prey on children
Holy shit i did not know this about them
people can be assholes and insufferable dicks and an overall nuisance to talk to, but im going to regress you, forcefeed you, and fuck your ass in that order
You're on the Alt board, you don't have to spoil it (here at least) though it's courteous. There's literally a fart/scat thread above this one atm.
there's an account on twitter that might be moonoatmeal, idk tho @limekwi
@rainicitrus too but theres nothing on that account yet
Nope. Way too messy and lazy to be hers.
Yup, that’s her. Shut up guy above me, that’s literally her lmao
the account was deactivated and the user is changed @leaftxt0 and @failedhalo
Man, I really wish I chatted with moon earlier before this all went down because I'm sure she'll hopefully change for the better
I do, do you want it
Guys they changed their twt user name is now @halotxt0!!!
I hate how more social medias are becoming walled gardens and not allowing lurkers.
(119 KB, 640x798, 889EAA97-8E89-4EC5-9075-1A8FEE626A6F.webp)
Definitely not her, as someone who’s known her for 6 years, but okay, Mr. Smart Guy who only knows her from jerking his dick to her art despite her being 16.
Reminder guys, Norfolk, Virginia, Jaimiaya. You can literally look that name up and see her. That is who she is.
Same exact artstyle and everything. And also, her socials were:
Biffle !#2145
+1 (757) 956 8604
WOW. doxxing a minor. you're so smart!!! you are a horrible person. i bet you're a 13-14 year old chronically online loser who doesn't go to school and has no friends. because a normal mf would actually leave them the fuck alone and move on with their life. get a hobby
this is my reminder to take birth control
Cute artstyle. Shame about the gross stuff tho.
@halotxt0 might be snowsnuff and not moonoatmeal
If you have something to share, post it. Don't lock it behind a login.

Just more schizo rambling, sadly looks like there's no more art to be posted

I know the "it's just a drawing" debate is played out but seriously, read the room. You're on bbwchan, nobody here cares.

Compiling evidence can be cool when it's meaningful, go become a lawyer or something.
Anyone got any more art yet? I can wait.
bump for interest
Does moonoatnesl have other accounts?
(294 KB, 2048x2048, 7b43a0d3d871ecce4b1cf710c56eca13fc99b11a965ba52fbb0e80cfd599d9f2.jpg) (152 KB, 2000x2000, 8c503beb4f3e9dac9465f45f9c9ad560783580650d26df99d3194b2f33b1217b.jpg) (89 KB, 1468x1579, 8ece7cb3f87bfa5da48b702feb07337e.jpeg) (188 KB, 694x1199, 17a7af821d31993f90f78ef1a2576299f8aedef3d103261eb631b48e5de14463.jpg) (93 KB, 1468x1270, 49EIcb1Bu.jpg) (56 KB, 1314x1314, 52d16918353d0406ab9c27477251b2bf5826a633e60f0ed9e1653c02f00616da.jpg)
Gonna put these since theyre full res from wayback.
(250 KB, 2048x2048, 56d3179be7b383c892fe1e2c3198b788cfaa195a.jpeg) (131 KB, 2198x2198, 87aeea0ce304f3525a051abc98ba3df9d2c4b314.jpeg) (140 KB, 2048x1739, 137a616d08505589aff33117a7c4a8e2.jpeg) (73 KB, 1200x1200, a93129f7af2c6a58f81299eb202042a0b7f1607e5cec85c3c731bc3e79ecd391.jpg) (120 KB, 1802x1802, b17df20de33f0a1a3b90328e74fbb2acbc0d55f26db7ea719a679e9cd324756e.jpg) (183 KB, 1500x1500, bdb19455ca5d1153229b2ad813b5ce2a42239956d0fddaed95236d9aa99ac77e.jpg)
(24 KB, 474x474, fa06f4ce6620e9ce1e3fb8fd9420b6004b61423a29f103eaf48470b14a4c23e0.jpg) (214 KB, 2048x2048, fb7a305cb314d56626a54c8f730c074b.jpeg) (105 KB, 1200x1200, FDT-3h1XoAAobx5.jpg) (117 KB, 1200x1200, xJKgxubxL.jpg) (272 KB, 640x640, f9d8766c5dccfd622143c404a84b6a47200ebf410fb08b1ee46ed56a306664eb.png) (130 KB, 1200x1200, FJrkzWHWYAA0GUC.jpg)
There's a missing gf diaper sketch but that's all I scraped up from some trash threads and archives.
I think moonoatmeal is back again as reekdotwav on twitter? The art style is a bit similar? Or maybe it's chromemaze their friend..
Is there any more finds or is that all you got?
(87 KB, 1181x1748, kiss.jfif)
Drawing of someone who interacted a lot with MoonOatMeal on Twitter.

Sunday 12/25/2022
Time to draw in his artstyle.
Elvis Presley Moment :D
(51 KB, 750x561, pant peed.jpg)
I genuinely feel disgusted and sad about this person. Apart from all the things she did, I feel like the biggest tragedy is the waste of talent on this "shit". The character art on its own is very soft and chibi-esque, yet it gets used to make shit fetish art.
(pic unrelated)

Get my man Faker out of there, he doesn't deserve it bro
So true, I hate how this art style is going to waste with literal shit fetishism.
Complaining about what someone drew rather than what they did kinda makes you look whiney I'ma be real wit you. This really isn't the place to make it about you and what you like lmao
Insults always carried by "lol" hold no doodoo stain like my dick in your butt
Hey summer. If I find out its you. Imma burn you alive hoe
Gonna hop on the bandwagon here, these are fucking racid takes. Like okay if you don't enjoy scat that's fine, subjectivism is a thing and all that. But to say that an artist is 'wasting' their talent just because they're drawing something you don't like is fucking ridiclous. Doesn't matter what an artist draws, so as long as they're putting effort and comittment into what they produce they're gradually elevating their drawing ability and skillset which will alow them to improve as an artist over time. And if you're a good artist you can get work literally anywhere or have people pay you to draw fucked up shit, so don't go saying artists are wasting their talents just because they're drawing something that personally gives you the ick.

Just let people draw whatever the fuck they want, everyone gets their rocks off to different things.
I loved this artists style and their content, I wish they'd start drawing again
Elvis Presley died from holding it in because of drugs :/
That comment was from long ago. I looked it up and I even saw a Robot Chicken skit that parodied that.
They read the sign. They just wanted to ruin everyone else’s fun.
Cant say that about ppl dead family. And u no love on top of that. Time to go for real.
Lived in my car for 5 yrs while making 60k per year. Why do women think we need a roof over our head mind blown!!!!
(98 KB, 720x682, -5tzmoy.jpg)
Really hate to interrupt the discussion of Elvis shitting himself to death but I think I just found MoonOatmeal resurfaced.
So… any art from it?
Trim jail 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This time archive everything please.
Same, hope they'll go back to doing massive loads
No effin way :D
Someone has to archive this
>>57236 And yes, I redrew it
(By Me (again))
Think you'd be able to make more edits of Moon's art. Like with Soft GF or Skyblue?

good work, man
There are two images I’d like to see edited and that’s one where BF is butt slamming Skyblue. I’d like to see that edited where Skyblue is buttslaming BF and the aftermath.

Thank you for editing this! Looks better with Skyblue on top lol
>>34779 (OP)

Another edit request.

Can someone edit the Soft BF groping his ass into Soft GF please?
can you make a fart alt
I blame all of your parents for your level D work ethic. Disgustingly useless. Hire new people. Fire them. They always call out right?? You dont need that in your place of business.
A fart alt of that would be nice lol
Hey guys quick note: if you guys ever post my edits on the green site, can y'all credit me (tag me) as Derp777, I would greatly appreciate it, Thanks!
Yup its her. He need pull ups
Pull ups of what?
I am not Moonoatmeal
I think this thread served it's purpose I don't think there's anything else to gather from moon's deactivation, everything else is off topic drawings, edits and speculation from what I can see.
She talked like newnew when I met her now its just annoying lmao
Can anyone make one of those edits with shaya/b3 gf?
I would do anything for that to happen.
Soggysomnia's (aka Moonoatmeal) account just got deleted from twitter
Not anymore btw are they actually moon orare you just guessing I haven't seen any proof proving otherwise.
Sorry, I just so happened that when I checked her account a couple of days ago (soggysomnia) it read "this account doesn't exist no more"
Moonoatmeal lives in a loop when it comes to social media, they make an account, post nsfw, and then dip by either deactivation or getting banned by twitter. They have so many obsessive haters. They dox and scare her off social media which is so unnecessary and toxic. Hypocrisy at its finest
Oh yeah, it's SO hypocritical for people to treat a person who's a piece of shit like a piece of a shit. Do I need to remind you that she is an actual fucking pedo who tired to rape and sexually assault someone irl? And she's never taken accountability for her actions or apologised, her only response has been to make constant burner accounts and aliases in a pathethic attempt to get back to what she was doing before as if nothing happened.

If you somehow think that she actually deserves a single shred of sympathy, you're insane. Go fuck yourself anon.
I think she did apologize actually, not defending her or anything, just hold her accountable and leave after all she was 16 (17 now) doxing her isn't gonna help anybody there's a 99% lives with her parents/guardians. y'all gotta let it go it's been a over a year
I swore MO said she hated sky
i believe it was Skyblue
we are losing the plot a little bit... we should at least confirm people are who we think they are before just posting their stuff on specific threads. are we sure that this person is Moonoatmeal? they look like someone else
To anon 63093
I'm not defending them, I don't think it's ok to make nsfw of minor characters and other stuff they do, but I'm saying their haters are just as bad as they are. And your shitty use of very serious accusations like grape and others doxxing them is messed up. Especially to do to a minor. No I'm not gonna f myself, they should stop being chronically online and learn to ignore accounts they hate. Because doxxing and accusing moon of stuff like this without proof is not ok or justifiable in any way. Even if moon is a weirdo who needs to stop making porn as a minor, treating the situation like this wont do anything except make you look just as bad as them. Hope this helps, go outside.
this thread is doing more harm than good I think. it's only purpose currently is to drag people through the mud
Jesus christ you're delusional. The idea of proof in this instance is irrelevant, sexual assault victims rarely have 'proof' other than their own words as oftentimes you can't prove what happened in a closed space between two people getting touchy freely. The simplicity of the fact is that if she had done nothing wrong and had nothing to be accountable for then she wouldn't have acted the way she did. She literally took the scorched earth approach and deleted her account as soon as the accusations broke, and she now operates exclusively off burner accounts deliberately to try and obsuficate her identity.

Are youfucking retarded enough to think that someone doing this in response to those kind of allegations is somehow innocent and has nothing to hide? For that to be true it would mean that she's cowing to some kid younger than her who's making up bullshit without even attempting to defend herself, a kid who has no sway or clout in any meaningful way mind you. Never mind the fact she tried to fucking apologise for what she did in a desperate attempt to put out the flames.

And gtfo out of here with the "she's a minor" bullshit. Yes, legally she is a minor. But she's also 16 and most people generally acknowledge that you posses a degree of emotional and mental maturity at that age close to that of an adult. I.e. she would've known what she was doing was wrong, emphatically so. So that's not an excuse. If you're seriously going to take the "but she's just a kid" angle for someone who's probably going to be in either full-time work or college within a year, you're insane.

It's really not about ignoring someone you hate, most people are fully capable of that. I don't even proactively 'hate' her, I literally haven't engaged with this thread for almost an entire month. You're the one who dredged this up after all this time. This is literally only about the fact that you're trying to encourage forgive and forget virtues for someone's who's a fucking PEDO, whilst trying to say that she's somehow not accountable for her actions because of her age when she absolutely is. I don't agree with any of that and I'm letting you know, nothing more nothing less.

Now actually shut the fuck up.
Can you retards stop being autistic and bringing out the pitchforks when someone could possibly maybe be moon nobody gives a shit and it's fucking annoying every time someone gets scared off and we lose out on their banger art, who cares if it is moon she draws good shit and if you can't separate art from artist that's on you
How is someone so retarded that they type a whole essay of bullshit that makes them look even more stupid than before
Can y'all stop fighting???? nobody knows the whereabouts of moonoatmeal and a certain few are getting desperate and pointing fingers (I mean just look at the recent posters)

she did bad stuff and now she's missing. end of story, you guys aren't detectives you're just desperate for unneeded salvation by dragging unwanted participants by their collar because you guys think you know best

you guys can't confirm those people were moon other than they where new artists and their art has like a 1% similarity to moon's. please stop, this thread should be inactive until further notice because there is nothing. left. to. give.

just be thankful for the artists we do got, and like some of the other anons said, even if it is moon who gives a shit
(125 KB, 750x750, moon.png)
they disabled their iiikodo acc lol
you guys are taking the piss out of it now, id deactivate too if my main appeal was the fact that ppl think I'm a bad person
Is this new art??

Where did u got it from
@iiikodo on twt
at this point just make an iiikodo thread and let this one die
Where's the logic in that? they're the same person, just use this one.
this thread is dedicated to archiving moonoatmeal LOST art. the new ones can easily be found on their twitter
(251 KB, 2048x1787, IMG_0213.jpeg)
there’s already her other accs art posted so no point, anyways
frisk is a child...
if you take a little look around yeah. there's a lot of that in /alt/ I don't know what you want us to say lol
Have you just now realized that there's Frisk porn.
(15 KB, 375x297, sit_by_degeneratediver_dglm5km-375w.jpg)
Anyone got more artwork from when they went by degeneratedive on deviantart? >>35352 also get this, apparently they made ANOTHER account under the name of "degeneratediveR" and deleted that account as well within the last 30 days
That account was up and fine like a few days ago until you opened your trap.
I get the artist is a literal sex pest and i get some cancel culture fags need to take their head until they fuckin fix themselves, but i want them to share their shit apart from their bullshit.
If you see another account, just shush about it for at least a month or 2.
Anyways, the earlier DD account was mostly baraag-tier stuff. I don't think any of this stuff is postable unless someone say otherwise but it was there.
I don't think they'll make another account again since the entire point was to post somewhere nobody would expect to see them post at.
I'm confused... DD Looks too be moon art regression and all but kodo has a completely different art style why are they being posted here? if they were moon they would be long gone right
they used to have a post talking about this thread and deactivated for a little bit. if you search up “iiikodo” nothing pops up about this thread. she either searched herself up or someone told her about this thread privately. it’s a common pattern with the accounts too, so it’s obvious enough that it’s her, just doesn’t want the old identity to be known.
Oh I see. Yeah that somewhat adds up something just feels off, they're art just feels slightly different maybe it's just me
Just to clarify:
I didn't say anything, the image I posted I found on a google search and the account was already deactivated by that point so it's all the same (I know how these artist types get sometimes so I always keep my mouth shut) anyways if you have any artwork from that account saved it'd be much appreciated if you posted it on catbox or something (or just here)
deviantart stores images in their database for up to 30 days after account deletion, that's why I said it was all the same since I found the account AFTER it got deleted
yeah novacartridge is them
yeah no dude at this point just make a separate thread for iiikodo stuff like i said before. also, as a fart fella, these aren't even bbw, they just have fat asses
genuinely do not understand the point of this
they are very clearly the same person
The point? we'll it's very easy to explain you see, we need to make more redundant threads that die 2 posts in to fill up the catalog!
Since when moono deactivate her acc? /Genq
(233 KB, 2045x1779, IMG_1704.jpeg) (208 KB, 2045x1900, IMG_1705.jpeg)
like last year i think if you’re specifically talking about moonoatmeal, but they just make more and more new accounts. anyways, latest post
susie and lammh
susie and lammy
Holy heck, IBS Bottom Heavy Sadako's so hot...
To the anons posting these from Twitter so we don't have to go there, thank you. I hate that hellhole site and want to stay as far away from it as possible.
How to spot a liberal in 1 easy step
What does being a liberal have to do with not wanting to waste time on braindead bird app? I just don't wanna risk wasting time and see the content without risk of doomscrolling or seeing shit I don't care for.
>How to spot a liberal in 1 easy step
Burgers don't know what a liberal is.
Amazing ENA. Beautiful.
God ENA is so fucking hot bro
(101 KB, 720x660, kek.png)
>Had many accounts before.
>Leaving again.
I honestly can't tell if that's them or not considering how similar they talk, their reasoning, and them "both" leaving multiple times and using alts.
Its the internet, people will keep making mistakeks like this until the end of time, why bother being bothered by something like this.
I know the subject of this thread sucks, but that image of Toriel failing to repress a shart is fucking hilarious.
I know the subject of this thread sucks, but that image of Toriel failing to hold back a shart is fucking hilarious.
I know there's more of a chance of pigs being able to fly than there is finding these pics I can tell you about, but I remember on his then-active DA, DegenerateDive, that he had pics of Bubbles & Buttercup farting & sharting themselves (they were actually one the first pics he had on that account), then one of the last things I remember him posting is a picture of Anais from Gumball on a toilet of some sort & it was titled something like "Anais Destorys her toilet" (I swear it was spelled like that), didn't stay up too long, I believe, but I swear to all of you it existed. Now if they're never found or posted, I'd understand just thought I'd tell someone what I remember from our guy here with personality disorder.
I didn't even know she still did deviantart, but no dude sorry that's like one of the hardest things to retrieve after the fact, plus I've seen a few copycats over there it's like scavenger hunting at times
Just save it if you think its them, even if it isn't, better to have it and be wrong than to not have it at all. Also a good bit of Moonoatmeals art is on ex-hentai.
Oh I never knew they were a she, but she unfortunately doesn't do DA anymore as they constantly deactivate their account for no reason.

Shoot, wish I did at that time, back when they were on DeviantArt, I wasn't saving pics, or archiving pages on Wayback Machine, as I never believe that they'd deactivate, but since then, I've learnt from my mistakes. It's hard to tell if they're back there or not.

BTW never heard of ex-hentai :P

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